New Goonhammer Video: The Age of Sigmar 4th Edition Rules Review

The video version of our Age of Sigmar 4.0 Rules Review is ready for all your listening goodness.

Content Guides

Warhammer 40K

Competitive Innovations in 10th: It’s All Over Bar Da Krumpin’ pt.1

With Pariah Nexus packs now landing on doorsteps around the globe, I'm hoping this is Leviathan's true final outing, and that next week we'll have hot news from the Pariah Nexus to share. Because of that, and because Shadow of the Erdtree isn't going to play itself, we've got one more Showdown-less week before (presumably) the Sisyphean avalanche of content resumes in a new metagame. This week, this last Leviathan week, we're looking at the following today: Münsterland Major San Diego Grand Tournament The Battle For Middle Wisko GT Dicing Death...

Age of Sigmar

New Goonhammer Video: The Age of Sigmar 4th Edition Rules Review

The video version of our Age of Sigmar 4.0 Rules Review is ready for all your listening goodness.


MTG Commander Focus: Ulalek, Fused Atrocity LX

This article will be part of a series on playing Eldrazi in Commander alongside the recent release of a bunch of new ones in Modern Horizons 3. Ulalek, Fused Atrocity is a good commander for a midrange revamp of the Eldrazi Incursion precon because of his unique abilities. Morophon, the Boundless is an Eldrazi in disguise who can allow you to cheat out huge threats for WUBRG, or even free, and as he's all colorless mana to cast you can ramp hideously with the Tron lands and artifacts so even if they blow Morphon out of the water you...

Magic the Gathering


Hobby 101: Kitbashing/Converting

Over the years the Goonhammer crew have put together a vast and expansive library of painting guides. Appropriately titled “How to Paint Everything” we’ve got schemes and recipes for 100s of models. They all, however, assume you know the difference between wet blending and glazing or what the hell “zenithal” means. Welcome to Hobby 101. This series will lay the groundwork to teach you the fundamentals and best practices to make your models shine.  The Hobby 101 series is sponsored by The Army Painter. Kitbashing or converting models is a way to customize a model beyond what the kit provides. Kitbashing...


Competitive Innovations in 10th: It’s All Over Bar Da Krumpin’ pt.1

With Pariah Nexus packs now landing on doorsteps around the globe, I'm hoping this is Leviathan's true final outing, and that next week we'll have hot news from the Pariah Nexus to share. Because of that, and because Shadow of the Erdtree isn't going to play itself, we've got one more Showdown-less week before (presumably) the Sisyphean avalanche of content resumes in a new metagame. This week, this last Leviathan week, we're looking at the following today: Münsterland Major San Diego Grand Tournament The Battle For Middle Wisko GT Dicing Death GT Kirtonian Total Carnage V On Friday we'll have the rest with...