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Shatterpoint AdeptiCon Announcement Predictions

With Adepticon only hours away, our Shatterpoint writers are here to talk about what they'd like to see announced for the game both at the show and over the upcoming months.

Battletech Mech Overview: Turkina

The Turkina is the widest mech, and way up there in cost too. Can Liberty tolerate it?

Greg and Andrew’s (Rail)road to Adepticon, Part 1

Greg "Klobasnek" Narro and Andrew "Hero of Team Imperium" Corban are taking the train to Adepticon from Texas and playing Necromunda the entire way. Read about part 1 of their journey and the plans they've made here.

The Salty Sea: Adepticon List Review for Warcry

Dan takes a looks at the lists for the upcoming Adepticon GT in Warcry.

The Goonhammer Open UK March 2025 – Awards and Thank Yous

We look back on the first Goonhammer Open of 2025, held at De Montfort Student Union in Leicester!

[40k] Competitive Innovations in 10th: Our Long National Nightmare is So Back pt.1

Lootas and Lions are unleashed upon the metagame in part 1 of Competitive Innovations.

CYRAC: Tyranids in Kill Team?

John from Can You Roll a Crit? is back covering hints of a new Tyranid kill team!

Black Library Writers Respond to Meta Scraping Their Work

We spoke to a number of Black Library writers across the industry about the specific scraping of their work in a pirated LibGen library and larger issues with AI in general.

Games Industry News Roundup- March 25th, 2025

Dan's back with the news for this Tuesday, following the usual format. This week the bad news is from Hasbro and WOTC. But the other four things are pretty cool!

Kings of War Champions: The Easiest Way to Start Rank-and-Flank Wargaming

Today in Kings of War, Cytoplasm takes a look at the Champions starter set.

The Streamhouse RTT Preview, Part 2: The Rest of the Challengers

We wrap up our look at the Streamhouse RTT competitors, covering the remaining five players, their lists, and how we think they'll do.

The Most Prestigious Event in ASOIAF! – The Invitational: Lists Revealed

CarlyCarv is headed to the Invitational for ASOIAF TMG this weekend and is here today to talk lists -- her's and everyone else's.

Infinity Faction Focus: Imperial Service

Today Thanqol takes a look at the Imperial Service in Infinity N5, and quite likes what's there.

That 6+++ Show | Episode 129: More Dakka Conquers That 6++ GT

The 6+++ guys regroup after running their first GT sized event and talk through what went down. Turns out what happens in Barnsley doesn't stay in Barnsley?!

The Streamhouse RTT Preview, Part 1: Meet (Half of) the Challengers

The Art of War Streamhouse RTT is this week and we've got a huge, two-part preview of the event and the lists. In part 1 we cover the top half of the field, their lists, and how we think they'll play.

Hammer of Math: Mo’ Dakka, Mo’ Problems

We take a look at the More Dakka! Detachment, how it super-charges ork shooting output, and what the hell happened this past weekend at events worldwide.

Pokémon TCG Prismatic Evolutions: To Catch ‘Em All, You Gotta Find Them First

At 8 AM on January 17th, a Friday morning, a friend of mine and his little boy were in line outside a toy superstore...

Goonhammer Hextoricals: COIN Games Part 2

In the second part of our COIN-focused Hextorial series, Raf shares his personal top five list of COIN games.

Black Library Weekly: Farsight on the Horizon

It's Monday, and that means it's time for Black Library Weekly, looking back at the week that was in GW fiction.

Marvel Crisis Protocol – Inhuman Royal Court Review

This week in Marvel Crisis Protocol, alfred_pharius looks at the Inhumans Royal Court box.

Content We Liked: 23rd March, 2025

A Land of Contrasts in this week's Content We Liked, with some very different takes on making a miniature stand out.

Goonhammer’s Coverage of the Art of War 2025 Streamhouse RTT

Avid Goonhammer readers will know that we've long been friends - some would even say "in cahoots" - with the Art of War team....

Unboxing: Kill Team – Blood and Zeal Box Contents & Model Review

The wait is finally over! This weekend marks preorders for the second third new kill team box of the edition, giving us new Imperial...

Kill Team – Blood and Zeal: Goremonger Kill Team Review

We review the new Goremonger Kill Team from the upcoming Blood and Zeal box.

Kill Team – Blood and Zeal: Sanctifier Kill Team Review

Praise the Emperor - or else! Confessors are leading the procession of Sanctifiers into Kill Team accompanied by bells, smells and the screams of...

Century of the Vampire: Ultraviolet (2006)

Welcome to the Century of the Vampire, an ongoing weekly feature where Goonhammer managing editor Jonathan Bernhardt watches some piece of vampire media, probably a...

Infinity N5: PanOceania – Not-so-Initial Impressions

Our Infinity experts take a look at PanOceania today and how they've done so far in Infinity N5.

Siege of Vraks – The Goonhammer Review

Today's Black Library book review is of 2024's Siege of Vraks by Steve Lyons!

SRM’s Ongoing Stormbringer Review: Week 65

SRM's back to cover the 65th issue of Stormbringer!

[40k] Competitive Innovations in 10th: A Little Knight Music pt.2

More Dakka gets its first Showdown outing at the 6++ GT in part 2 of Competitive Innovations.

[AOS] Competitive Innovations in the Mortal Realms: 2025-03-18

Things are quieting down a bit as Adepticon creeps ever closer, but we're back this week with 3 smaller AOS events from around the world.

Danger Room Tactics: Marvel Crisis Protocol: Magneto & Toad

Today we look at the Magneto and Toad box in Marvel Crisis Protocol.

TheChirurgeon’s Road Through 2025, Part 13: Back to the Ettin League

The Road Through 2025 continues! This week TheChirurgeon takes on a Siege Regiment in a league game, talks about running Creations of Bile, and paints some Emperor's Children Infractors.

I Think You Should Buy A Boat

A Japanese Type 93 torpedo - known generally as the “Long Lance” even if the original owner/operator never called it that -  is 20...

[Shatterpoint] Competitive Innovations: Battle for the Title of Grandmaster

In preparation for Adepticon, our Shatterpoint experts put their rep where their mouth is with some pick 'em action.

40k Badcast 161 – White Scars Can’t Jump

The Badcast idiots have returned from Campbell’s real vacation and Dan’s fake one with a brand new bucket of ear-slop for you to pour directly into your skull!
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