CYRAC: Tyranids in Kill Team?

John from Can You Roll a Crit? is back covering hints of a new Tyranid kill team!

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Content Guides

Warhammer 40K

The Streamhouse RTT Preview, Part 2: The Rest of the Challengers

We wrap up our look at the Streamhouse RTT competitors, covering the remaining five players, their lists, and how we think they'll do.

Age of Sigmar

SRM’s Ongoing Stormbringer Review: Week 65

SRM's back to cover the 65th issue of Stormbringer!


Magic: the Gathering Commander Focus: Tom Bombadil Is a Merry Fellow

In this week's Commander Focus, B Phillip York builds a likely bracket 2 Tom Bombadil deck, telling a meandering tale of possible victory.

Magic the Gathering


Unboxing: Kill Team – Blood and Zeal Box Contents & Model Review

The wait is finally over! This weekend marks preorders for the second third new kill team box of the edition, giving us new Imperial Weirdoes and uh, Khorne Weirdoes as well. Blood and Zeal sees Sanctifers - holy warriors of the ecclesiarchy - face off against Goremongers - brutish zealots of the World Eaters who desperately want to become Bloodletters. Before we dive in, we'd like to thank Games Workshop for sending us a preview copy of the Blood and Zeal box for review purposes. The Video Version If you'd like to watch a video about the contents, we'd recommend this one from Can You...

The Streamhouse RTT Preview, Part 2: The Rest of the Challengers

We wrap up our look at the Streamhouse RTT competitors, covering the remaining five players, their lists, and how we think they'll do.
