We’ve updated the How to Paint Everything Series Page!

Hey everyone, quick update – we’ve updated our landing page for the How to Paint Everything series, adding a bunch of articles that had previously not been on the page for uh… reasons. Anyways, now that we’ve completed this bit of maintenance, it’s easier than ever to find a tutorial for painting your favorite faction, terrain type, or just discovering new techniques and ways to tackle challenges you might not have been comfortable with. Our painting articles cover everything from materials like marble and leather to basing techniques to how to pick the right subassemblies for the Silent King. In each article we try and have multiple painters tackle a model or technique, to give you a look at different ways to solve the problem and approaches from different skill levels. We also cover a bit of the lore and science around the topics we cover, to help better understand the reasons for choosing certain schemes.

The How to Paint Series are some of our most popular articles and if you’ve never read one it’s worth checking the series out.

How to Paint Everything