UTC Recap and Weekend Preview: July 12, 2024

The Unified Tournament Circuit is a regional circuit for Warhammer 40k and Age of Sigmar which covers the area between Virginia and Newfoundland. In case you missed our announcement, you can find it here.

You can find the full calendar of UTC events here.

Last Weekend’s Events

Hello folks! I’m back from my summer break with some UTC events to report. While I don’t normally cover GTs here, I do wanna plug Goonhammer Open Baltimore which happened last weekend (I was running the cool narrative event). You can watch footage of the event on our Youtube channel and read the recap in this week’s Competitive Innovations. With the shilling out of the way let’s get to our RTT coverage.

SabreCon 40k RTT, Sponsored by Sector Cville

(Charlottesville, VA)

Skorpekh Lord
Skorpekh Lord. Credit: Chris Cowie

Just one RTT to cover this week, a 40k tournament that was held in SabreCon. Todd Lanser won the events with their Necrons. They ran an Awakened Dynsasty list featuring 10 characters. Among them were three Skorpeks for some durable bozos to run around killing folks and two royal wardens for some flexibility on the warrior blocks. I love seeing these off meta lists and hope to see more in the future

  1. Todd Lanser (Kia Soul Fuckboys) – Necrons
  2. Connor McLean (Sector Cville) – Imperial Knights
  3. James Lovett (Battle Company 540) – Blood Angels

Upcoming Events

July 13, 2024

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