Tweets of War IV: Live Free Or Tweet Hard

For the last 3 weeks I, Coda, have been battling The Hobby Room’s Ceri in a game of 40k/AOS via twitch and twittar.

Each of us made a new twitter account and instead of directly taking command of our armies, we had 1 tweet per unit, per turn. Also The person moving the models has no idea what the objectives each player has to achieve in the game or which player owns which army.

Come watch the coolest, weirdest and hijink-iest game of hams on The Hobby Room twitch channel, 10am UK time on the 12/04/2020, (that’s 7pm AEST and 5:00 am EDT) also you can follow the two twitter accounts Ceri and I will be using, Lord Percival Frank the XVI and High King Claudios Maximum Arseious 

The Game In Progress. Credit The Hobby Room

You can also watch the previous streams on the hobby room twitch.