The Kill Team Christmas Challenge

So Christmas is almost upon us. For some of us this means a bit of free time. Some of us may be thinking new year, new army, or thinking about little Christmas presents for friends or family to get for us.

We’re thinking about challenges. Specifically, we’re issuing a Christmas Kill Team hobby challenge to run from now until the 1st of February, when we’ll post pictures of our finished teams. 1st February gives us time to do it (I can totally paint 6 models in 6 weeks, I totally can, and so can you) and a date to upload all our photos. And you can participate!

Credit: Robert “TheChirurgeon” Jones

Questions You May Have

  • What do I have to paint? – A Kill Team from any faction that is a legal Kill Team in KT21. Hopefully we’ll get some games in in 2022.
  • Can it have conversions/counts as/be built exactly as it is in the instructions? – Yes. Whatever makes you happy.
  • Can I use models I already own or have started? – Yes. This is about finishing, not starting. Dig out an unfinished hobby project to get done. Grab something from the pile of shame. Start with something you’ve got for Christmas.
  • Is there a grand prize? – No, this is about the friends (and operatives) you make along the way. But we may still pick our favorite and tell everyone that it’s the best submission we got, so you’ll have that going for you.
  • Is there somewhere I can post progress pics/finished pics? – Yes! If you’re in the Goonhammer Discord, you can share them with us there, or you can post them in the comments below, tag us with them on Twitter (we’re @goonhammer and you should use the hashtag #ChristmasKillTeam), or email them to us by emailing us at We’ll do a Goonhammer progress article at the end of December, a finished team article a little after 1st February, and we’ll have a twitter hashtag #ChristmasKillTeam so everyone can encourage each other.

So if you feel you can paint at least four models in the next six weeks (there are two four model kill teams remember) and want to do so during the long winter nights, then join in.
We’d love to see your progress and share what everyone has been working on.

Have any questions or comments? Drop us a note in the comments below or email us at