your list sucks

Our Inbox Sucks: Bonus entries from the One-Box Challenge

Well you’ve seen what we came up with, and now - our fury spent - we turn to the rest of the Goonhammer Cinematic Universe, for some other takes on the concept. We’re genuinely shocked by how well this...

Your List Sucks: The One-Box Challenge: Xenos

We kicked off the One-Box Challenge recently, our newest and perhaps worst idea. The premise is simple: using only the contents of one single box from Games Workshop, construct a legal thousand point army. This is dangerous and untested...

Your List Sucks: The One-Box Challenge: Eldar

We kicked off the One-Box Challenge recently, our newest and perhaps worst idea. The premise is simple: using only the contents of one single box from Games Workshop, construct a legal thousand point army. This is dangerous and untested...

Your List Sucks: The One-Box Challenge: Chaos

We kicked off the One-Box Challenge recently, our newest and perhaps worst idea. The premise is simple: using only the contents of one single box from Games Workshop, construct a legal thousand point army. This is dangerous and untested...

Your List Sucks: The One-Box Challenge: Space Marines

We kicked off the One-Box Challenge recently, our newest and perhaps worst idea. The premise is simple: using only the contents of one single box from Games Workshop, construct a legal thousand point army. This is dangerous and untested...

Your List Sucks: The One-Box Challenge

I get real obsessed with bad ideas sometimes, and they rattle around my skull forever, caught in the wrinkles of my brain. The only way to get them out of there is to tilt my head around like one...