
Kill Team Compendium Review, Part 3: Xenos Teams and Final Thoughts

OK two parts down, one to go. We split our review of the compendium into three parts to make it a bit easier to tackle from a reading (and writing perspective). In this third and final part we'll be...

The 2021 Big FAQ Hot Take: Xenos Edition

Games Workshop dropped an absolute bombshell of an update today, with FAQs for the majority of factions, tons of clarifications, and big adjustments to everything from core rules to key faction abilities. There’s a ton to sift through but...

Hammer of Math: Killing Drukhari Raiders (Xenos Edition)

Last week we looked at the viability of killing Drukhari Raiders using several Imperial options, and this week the series continues with a selection of xenos units. I would like to thank everyone in the /r/WarhammerCompetitive subreddit for their...

Goonhammer FAQ Hot Take: Xenos Factions Points Updates, January 2021

GW released a bombshell of new FAQs today, covering updates to the GT missions, points updates, and rules clarifications and errata. And as always, we’ve got you covered with the rundown of what’s changed and what it means for...

Hammer of Math: Xenos Dedicated Transport Survival

This week's article continues our look at Dedicated Transports from last week, focusing on the xenos options available. We continue to see transports get fielded as key parts of winning lists, and as more events continue to responsibly open we're...

Kill Team Annual Review, Part 3: Xenos Factions

Hello again and welcome back again, readers! If you're just joining us, this is part 3 of our Kill Team Annual review. We started by covering the core content and new stuff for the Chaos factions (check that out...

Hammer of Math: Diet Smite (Xenos Edition)

After taking a break to discuss Pointy-Eared Exarchs and Flying Warrior Monks with Oversized Hammers, this week Hammer of Math returns to the domain of the mind to discuss the Smite power. This article is a continuation of our...

The Filthy Xenos General’s Field Guide to Assassins

Introduction So people are pretty interested in learning about Imperial Assassins huh? Last week we went over strategies and guidelines for how to pick the right Assassin for your matchups when using “Operative Requisition Sanctioned” to bring one in at the...