
Battle Reports in Warhammer+: A Casual Player’s Review

I'll be straight up: I don't like most video battle reports. They tend to be poorly lit, laden with stock music, presented by uncharismatic hosts sitting too close to their microphones, and longer than your average Marvel movie. In...

Pendulin’s Road to Goonhammer Open, Part 3: Resolution

The paint has dried and all is still. A moment of calm before the storm, but let's look at those final steps that got us here.

Old Bale Eye Review: Our First Taste of Warhammer+

Recently, Warhammer Community hosted a preview of one of Warhammer+'s new shows, Hammer and Bolter. For 24 hours, we could watch the first episode of this anthology series, Old Bale Eye. Future episodes promise stories from all over the...

Pendulin’s Road to Goonhammer Open, Part 2: Mistakes

With our inaugural event Goonhammer Open USA fast approaching, let's follow one man's mad scramble to clear out his backlog, build as much Adeptus Mechanicus as he can, and draw some truly dumb art. I've made mistakes in my time. I...

Pendulin’s Road to Goonhammer Open, Part 1: Foreshadowing

With our inaugural event Goonhammer Open USA fast approaching, let's follow one man's mad scramble to clear out his backlog, build as much Adeptus Mechanicus as he can, and draw some truly dumb art. Goonhammer Open USA is just a...

Age of Sigmar 3.0 FAQ: Beasts of Chaos

GW released a bombshell of new FAQs today, covering errata for the core book and lengthy FAQs for each faction. And as always, we’ve got you covered with the rundown of what’s changed and what it means for your...

The Warhammer+ Reveal Round Table

Yesterday Games Workshop finally revealed its big Warhammer+ offering, a multi-channel video and app package that bundles together its upcoming animations, app subscriptions, new shows, and back catalog content into one monthly subscription package. Here at Goonhammer we pride...

Warhammer: Age of Sigmar 3.0 Core Rules Overall Review

This review was completed using a free copy of the Dominion Box sent to us by Games Workshop It's been three years since the release of Age of SIgmar's 2nd edition and we're now just two short weeks away from...

Goonhammer Hobby Round-up: April 2021 (end of month)

  Look upon our works, ye mighty, and despair. Or just let it inspire you to paint your own models, that sounds healthier. Corrode It's been a productive month here at the Goonhammer Offices, at least for me. I've gotten some more...

Goonhammer FAQ Warm Takes: The Summary

On Thursday, James Workshop dropped a substantial set of FAQs covering everything from core rules to a complete re-write of the Munitorum Field Manual. Here at the Goonhammer offices our typewriters were running so frantic a few caught fire,...