
Battletome: Hedonites of Slaanesh 3.0 – The Goonhammer Review Part 1: The Rules

This review was completed with a free copy of Battletome: Hedonites of Slaanesh, provided to us by Games Workshop This weekend sees the arrival of not just one Chaos tome, but two. Alongside our review of Blades of Khorne we...

Battletome: Blades of Khorne 3.0 – The Goonhammer Review Part 2: The Warscrolls

This is part 2 of our review of Battletome: Blades of Khorne for 3rd Edition, you can find part one here. This review was completed using a free copy of Battletome: Blades of Khorne provided to us by Games...

Horus Heresy Legion Focus: Iron Warriors

This week Horus Heresy returns with Legion Focus: Iron Warriors, for those among us who love to paint hazard stripes.

Creedence 6th Edition Revival

This is not a raging editorial about how 6th Edition WHFB is making a comeback, anything to do with GW's impending (maybe) Old World game, or bad talking any other game in the process. I like Age of Sigmar....

UK Warhammer 40,000 Competitive Play: A Beginner’s Perspective

Hi, my name is Kerry, and I go by the name K.Legss online. I recently attended Golden Demon 2022, which is where I had the pleasure of meeting the lovely guys from Goonhammer. As always, when you meet people,...

Horus Heresy Tactica: List Building Part 3

In this week’s final instalment of our list building mini series we look at skew lists: what they are, how they work, why they're a problem and how to deal with them.

Horus Heresy Tactica: List Building Part 2

This week in Horus Heresy Tactica we're taking a look at evaluating unit roles and how they influence list choices.

Jack Recaps the GW Grand Narrative

Jack went to the Grand Narrative and took A Lot of pictures. He also has a few thoughts.

Horus Heresy Tactica: Advanced Reactions

Welcome to Horus Heresy Tactica, our series that provides a deep dive in a specific mechanic, interaction or aspect of play in Warhammer: the Horus Heresy. Last time on Horus Heresy Tactica we covered the Core Reactions, the essential and...

Liber Imperium Review: Legio Custodes

In part one of our Review of Liber Imperium, the new beast of a book for Horus Heresy, we take a look at the Legio Custodes. Thanks to Games Workshop for providing us with a free copy of the book to write this review.