Warhammer 40k

North East Open Tournament Analysis

Good news - big changes in the metagame means that it's exciting to write about tournament results again! Last week we previewed the North East Open, a 100-player major happening in the UK with a formidible roster of players...

Hammer of Math: Nerfed Numerics

Today is a momentous day, dear readers. In their infinite wisdom Games Workshop has thoroughly and completely nerfed Iron Hands, eliminating one of Hammer of Math's favorite topics and subsequently forcing me to write about something other than bionic...

Tournament Report: The Reckoning by Coastal Wargaming and WCG

Shane here again for another tournament report. After hearing about Lawrence Baker taking his Grey Knights to glory out there in the UK at the Beachhead Brawl GT in early February, I started digging into all the new combos...

The Narrative Forge: Battles of Legend

The Warhammer 40,000 universe is a massive place, and the “Narrative Forge” hobby articles encourage thinking outside the box (literally) when putting models together and stretching yourself out in the hobby. They aim to make hobbyists and players comfortable...

Goonhammer Round Table: The February 2020 Space Marines FAQs

Yesterday morning Games Workshop dropped a bombshell on players with the surprise release of a set of FAQs that had a massive impact on the competitive meta. In today's Round Table series, the Goonhammer crew - and guest authors...

Hot Take: Valerian and Aleya. Also an extremely mild rant about Black Library!

Hello Reader! It's a day chock-full of Hot Takes! And I know what you're thinking -- "When will they get to the important updates that matter?" WELL GOOD NEWS, the Hot Take you've been waiting for is here! GW released two...

The Goonhammer Hot Take: Space Marines FAQs

Holy crap. Just when we were starting to think that GW wasn't interested in revising Space Marines again, they drop a bombshell on us with a massive new set of FAQs and errata that completely change everything about the faction. OK,...

Death Visions: An Interview with Warp Storm GT Winner Stephen Box

We previously covered Stephen Box’s Blood Angels in our LVO preview, and it was clear then that it was only a matter of time before he’d be able to pilot the list to a win. In this week’s interview, we...

Hammer of Math: Big Game Hunter

We've spent a lot of time discussing how hard it is to kill things like Grey Knight Paladins or Iron Hands Leviathans protected by Cogitated Martyrdom, but one thing we haven't done is examine the discussion from the offensive...

Continuing to be the Villian: A Naramyth Trip Report

I'm back! Not a week after taking home some hardware from the Canadians up at the Wheat City Open we had our monthly Two Rivers RTT, this time in Fargo. We had 19 people show up, including two Northern...