Warhammer 40k

Ruleshammer: When Can My Unit Fight? How do Pile-in and Consolidate Moves Work?

Although we love Warhammer 40,000, the game’s complexity can be daunting, particularly for newer players. In Ruleshammer, we look at the nuances of the game’s rules and how they affect gameplay, clearing up potential issues and helping make sense...

Ruleshammer: When Do You Roll Attacks One at a Time and What Happens When Your Target Dies?

Although we love Warhammer 40,000, the game’s complexity can be daunting, particularly for newer players. In Ruleshammer, we look at the nuances of the game’s rules and how they affect gameplay, clearing up potential issues and helping make sense...

Hammer of Math: Numbah Krumpin’

In honor of what I'm preemptively calling Ork Week out of respect for my favorite faction, this week's Hammer of Math is going to cover the much beloved (just not by GW) Stompa in the context of points efficiency....

Ruleshammer: Mailbag 001

Although we love Warhammer 40,000, the game’s complexity can be daunting, particularly for newer players. In Ruleshammer, we look at the nuances of the game’s rules and how they affect gameplay, clearing up potential issues and helping make sense...

Ruleshammer: When You Check (and Re-Check) Line of Sight and Distance During Ranged Attacks

This is an 8th Edition Article! For 9th Edition Ruleshammer look here. Although we love Warhammer 40,000, the game's complexity can be daunting, particularly for newer players. In Ruleshammer, we look at the nuances of the game's rules and how...

Video Game Review: Warhammer 40,000 Gladius – Relics of War

Many developers have attempted to capture the grim darkness of the 41st Millennium (and the high fantasy of the Old World) in video game form. With the release of its Tau expansion, we thought it would be good to...

Ruleshammer: Page 2 of the 40k Rules, Coherency, and Avoiding Traps

Although we love Warhammer 40,000, the game's complexity can be daunting, particularly for newer players. In Ruleshammer, we look at the nuances of the game's rules and how they affect gameplay, clearing up potential issues and helping make sense...

Ruleshammer: How Many Models Can Fight in the Fight Phase?

Although we love Warhammer 40,000, the game's complexity can be daunting, particularly for newer players. In Ruleshammer, we look at the nuances of the game's rules and how they affect gameplay, clearing up potential issues and helping make sense...

Three Cool Lists from the Fargo Two Rivers Open GT

Welcome back list review fans. James "One_Wing" Grover isn't the only one that can do these (though he's almost certainly better at it). Now that we're finally getting into the full swing of the 2020 ITC season, it's time...

Ruleshammer: What Does “Within” Mean and How Does it Affect Cover?

Although we love Warhammer 40,000, the game's complexity can be daunting, particularly for newer players. In Ruleshammer, we look at the nuances of the game's rules and how they affect gameplay, clearing up potential issues and helping make sense...