Warhammer 40k

[40k] Competitive Innovations in 10th: Our Long National Nightmare is So Back pt.1

Lootas and Lions are unleashed upon the metagame in part 1 of Competitive Innovations.

The Streamhouse RTT Preview, Part 2: The Rest of the Challengers

We wrap up our look at the Streamhouse RTT competitors, covering the remaining five players, their lists, and how we think they'll do.

The Streamhouse RTT Preview, Part 1: Meet (Half of) the Challengers

The Art of War Streamhouse RTT is this week and we've got a huge, two-part preview of the event and the lists. In part 1 we cover the top half of the field, their lists, and how we think they'll play.

Hammer of Math: Mo’ Dakka, Mo’ Problems

We take a look at the More Dakka! Detachment, how it super-charges ork shooting output, and what the hell happened this past weekend at events worldwide.

Goonhammer’s Coverage of the Art of War 2025 Streamhouse RTT

Avid Goonhammer readers will know that we've long been friends - some would even say "in cahoots" - with the Art of War team. And every year we look forward to watching their annual Streamhouse RTT event, a three-round event to...

Unboxing: Kill Team – Blood and Zeal Box Contents & Model Review

The wait is finally over! This weekend marks preorders for the second third new kill team box of the edition, giving us new Imperial Weirdoes and uh, Khorne Weirdoes as well. Blood and Zeal sees Sanctifers - holy warriors of...

[40k] Competitive Innovations in 10th: A Little Knight Music pt.2

More Dakka gets its first Showdown outing at the 6++ GT in part 2 of Competitive Innovations.

TheChirurgeon’s Road Through 2025, Part 13: Back to the Ettin League

The Road Through 2025 continues! This week TheChirurgeon takes on a Siege Regiment in a league game, talks about running Creations of Bile, and paints some Emperor's Children Infractors.

[40k] Competitive Innovations in 10th: A Little Knight Music pt.1

Knights sound the charge into the new metagame in part 1 of Competitive Innovations.

Fury of da Beast: Co-op Sabotage and Desperate Escapes

Charlie B's back with another update on Fury of da Beast, complete with a couple new missions.