
Kings of War: Day 1 at Clash of Kings Australia 2022

G’Day Goonhammer readers! In this two-part series we will be covering our games at Clash of Kings Australia 2022 back in January. This is not supposed to be a documentation of tactical nous (or lack thereof), but instead to...

Kings of War Down Under: Clash of Kings 2022 Australia

G’Day Goonhammer readers! This is the first in a series of articles covering the pre-eminent Kings of War tournament in Australia - Clash of Kings 2022. We, Matt “Urr” Trewella and JP “Cytoplasm” Fuller-Jackson, drove the ~700km (435 miles)...

Kings of War: Deliberations on Deployment

G’day, Goonhammer readers! This is the second in a series of articles covering the strategic thinking involved in each level of the thrilling fantasy battles game that is Kings of War. With an understanding of army list construction under...

Kings of War: The Road to ConVic 2021 Part Two

Hey all! A few weeks ago we wrote an article chronicling Cytoplasm’s road to ConVic, a larger Kings of War tournament in Melbourne, Australia.  We had hoped to have this article be a tournament wrap up. Unfortunately, COVID-19 (delta...