
UK Warhammer 40,000 Competitive Play: A Beginner’s Perspective

Hi, my name is Kerry, and I go by the name K.Legss online. I recently attended Golden Demon 2022, which is where I had the pleasure of meeting the lovely guys from Goonhammer. As always, when you meet people,...

Digitising Kings of War in the Mantic Companion

G’day Goonhammer readers! For the unaware, Mantic is moving into the 21st century by moving online with their new Companion App. The Mantic Companion is a progressive web application that brings all the components of their biggest games to...

What else is in the new Kings of War (2022) book?

G’day, Goonhammer readers! By now, most of our Kings of War readers will have the Kings of War (2022) book (aka The Big Red Book) in their eager hands. We have already covered the various new game modes; Legendary...

Taking Kings of War up a notch with Legendary Games

G’day Goonhammer readers! If you’re not aware, almost the entire Kings of War community is counting down the days until October 24th and the release of the new Kings of War Gamer’s Compendium. This is going to be a...

Kings of War: Post-tournament army analysis

G’day Goonhammer readers! Having finished our recap of ConVic 2022, it is time to critically assess the army lists we took. We'll explore what changes we feel are needed, but also how we can improve our own gameplay -...

Kings of War Tournament Reports: ConVic 2022 Day 2

G’day Goonhammer readers! The ultimate Victorian Kings of War tournament, ConVic, continued into Day 2. Urr with his Varangur has a very respectable score of 3 wins and 1 loss, while Cytoplasm and his Goblins have been a bit...

Kings of War Tournament Reports: ConVic 2022 Day 1

G’day Goonhammer readers! We, Urr and Cytoplasm, finally participated in ConVic 2022, the biggest Kings of War tournament so far this year in Victoria, Australia. We have spent the last 7 months preparing our totally new armies for this...

Kings of War: Road to ConVic22 Part Five – Winter Carnage

G’day Goonhammer readers! The Australian tournament ConVic 2022 is almost upon us, but we have one more chance to truly test our lists at a small local tournament aptly named Winter Carnage (it’s quite cold in Melbourne!). Winter Carnage...

Kings of War: Road to ConVic22 Part Three – Playtesting and Practice

G’day Goonhammer readers! Welcome back all to another Road to ConVic article, where we, Urr and Cytoplasm, document for your general consumption our stumbling progression towards the upcoming two-day Kings of War tournament known as ConVic in Victoria, Australia. Both...

Kings of War’s Empire of Dust: True Kings of the Tombs

G’day Goonhammer readers! It’s been quite a week for Mantic, with all kinds of hot releases coming out. The Umbrella Academy Board Game was launched on Gamefound, but that wasn’t enough for Mantic. They opened the tombs and revealed...