Walking Dead

Lore Explainer: The World Of The Walking Dead

In Lore Explainer, we take a deep look at the lore behind our favorite games, movies, and books, and talk about the story behind them and sum up what you need to know and how you can find out...

Walker Wednesday: Introduction to The World of The Walking Dead

The Walking Dead is arguably one of the most famous zombie IPs (or indeed any IP) of the last 20 years, conceived by the writer who brought us Invincible and many other beloved comics, Robert Kirkman. It was a...

Getting Started: The Walking Dead All Out War

Unless you've lived in a cave for decades, you've heard of The Walking Dead - one of the best-selling comic and graphic novel series ever and one of the most watched TV series ever made. The Walking Dead All...

Goonhammer Hot Takes: Mantic Summer Preview

Greetings Kings of War fans! This Saturday the 26th of June, Mantic dropped their summer preview. We got to see new models and rules for Kings of War and Armada (naval combat in the Kings of War world), as...

Boardhammer: The Walking Dead – All Out War

As much as we love pushing our armies around the table sometimes we need a break. Whether its a quick game between rounds or an all day main event, the Goonhammer team can often be found pushing chits, cubes,...