
Competitive Innovations in 9th: Just As Planned pt.2

Welcome back to part 2 of this week's Competitive Innovations. No rest for the wicked, straight in to some more events. Today, we'll be covering: Anyway, it's a massive week so that means a two-parter. Today we will be looking at: ...

Competitive Innovations in 9th: Just As Planned pt.1

We're not too far out from the tournament scene winding down just a little bit for Christmas, but this week is another massive one for results, with a UK Supermajor, two US majors, and a mighty seven GTs. In the...

Competitive Innovations in 9th: Grand Showdown pt.1

Warhammer - it's the thing that is happening. A lot. Tempting though it is to had the reins to Falcon once more just to see whether he could stretch a Beetleborgs theme out to 10+ events, it's me Wings, I'm...

BLUNDERDOME 2 LISTS: Leagues of Votann and Iron Hands

Welcome back, Dear Reader, to the sacred battlegrounds of the second BLUNDERDOME. For those of you who missed yesterday's announcement on this year's Blunderdome, you can find the article with more info on the event here. The short version...

Bringing the Chaos Dwarves to the Leagues of Votann: Part 1

In this new semiregular blog series, we're following along with Shane Watts as he converts, builds, and paints his Leagues of Votann army, then sets out to take on the ITC with them.  First, an introduction, since it's been a...

The Votann FAQ Competitive Roundtable

Only one day after our big competitive Votann roundtable last week Games Workshop issued a major pair of adjustments to the faction, increasing their point costs across the board and changing the way Judgement tokens work to no longer...

Hammer of Math: The Impact of the Votann FAQs

This week's Hammer of Math takes a look at the mathematical changes that come from the magna-rail Leagues of Votann Balance Update that Games Workshop released last Thursday. Assuming this isn't the first article you've ever read about Warhammer 40k...

The Leagues of Votann FAQ Hot Take

In a stunning turn of events Games Workshop released their fastest FAQ and balance update yet, this time for the Leagues of Votann. In today's two-part update, Games Workshop released an FAQ and a points update for the Votann...

Leagues of Votann: The Goonhammer Competitive Roundtable

Codex: Leagues of Votann is fast approaching and the 40k community have A Lot of Opinions on the strength of the new book. While we all agree that the book is strong in general, exactly how strong is a...

Tabletop Battles: The Votann Update

We recently launched the public beta of the new Tabletop Battles app (formerly ITC Battles) - you can go and download the app by using one of the links below. If you've got a 40k tournament coming up this...