
Goonhammer Historicals: Victrix Normans Miniature Review

This week, Marc "Ilor" Renouf takes a look at the Norman Infantry kit in 28mm scale from Victrix Limited. Disclaimer: This kit was provided to GoonHammer free of charge for review purposes. A while back I did a review of the...

Miniature Review: Victrix Early Imperial Romans (Attacking)

Salve, Citizen! Anyone who has ever seen a TV screen probably knows of the Roman Empire & their fearsome legionnaires. In my opinion, The Romans are to historical gaming in antiquity what the Germans are for Second World War...

Miniature Review: Victrix French Dragoons

Dragoons! The slightly awkward child of Napoleonic cavalry, the solid middle between the immense Cuirassiers and Heavy Cavalry and the dashing Light Cavalry, the ones that everyone playing in 28mm needs, but noone is really excited about building. In...

Miniature Review: Vikings by Victrix Miniatures

This week in the Goonhammer Historicals series, we continue our focus on the Viking Era with a look at Victrix Limited's offering of plastic Vikings in 28mm scale. Disclaimer: I paid for these minis with my own money, and Victrix...

Miniature Review: Victrix Games Ausf G Panther

Goonhammer Historicals is our weekly column taking a look at the varied world of historical wargaming. This week, Lupe reviews a new small-scale tank kit from Victrix. Victrix is a firm favourite for hard plastic historical miniatures at Goonhammer, and...

Getting Started: Ancient Rome

Goonhammer Historicals is our new series, looking at the incredibly diverse world of historical wargaming - different scales, different eras, different rulesets. Today in Goonhammer Historicals we look at getting started with gaming in Ancient Rome, from the Punic...