
Goonhammer Historicals: How To Paint Everything – Horses

If you play historical wargames of pretty much any period, eventually you will be confronted with the fact that you need to paint some cavalry. From the early Ancients period to even as late as the Second World War...

Goonhammer Historicals: Victrix SU-76 and Lend Lease at 12mm

The 12mm Soviet range from Victrix grows ever larger - we've had the infantry, we've had the T-34s and now, the SU-76 self propelled gun arrives to provide some serious anti-tank firepower for your Red Army. Thanks to Victrix for...

Goonhammer Historicals: Victrix 12mm Sherman Variants Review

This time on Goonhammer Historicals Lupe takes another look at the extensive 12mm World War 2 line from Victrix, this time looking at the humble Sherman tank, a mainstay of the war. I make no secret that I've been a...

Goonhammer Historicals: Victrix 12mm WW2 German Infantry Review

  Today we're reviewing the 12mm Germany Infantry from Victrix's relatively new 12mm line. At the moment, Victrix offers four army choices: American, British, German, and Soviet. The German infantry pack contains 184 miniatures, which Victrix advertises as enough to...

Victrix Late Saxons/Anglo Danes Review

I am, perhaps, the worst SAGA player in the world. I have never won a game. Recently, I successfully defended my title of "Most Hapless SAGA Player" at a local tournament with a dead-last placement. Afterwards, through a series...

Victrix Gallic kits review: Warriors, Fanatics and Chariots

Did you know that the cheapest way to do historical reenactments is by choosing Iron Age Gauls? All you need is a sword, a shield and some golden torques. For some reason few people do this, despite the fact...

Goonhammer Historicals: Victrix 12mm Fallschirmjäger

This week the Goonhammer Historicals crew turn their attention to the latest small-scale infantry kit from Victrix. Historical Background As the Second World War raged on, Nazi high command became every more fractured. Fascism is, inherently, a factional and inefficient form...

Goonhammer Historicals: Victrix T34

Last week I reviewed the Victrix 12mm/1:144 Soviet Infantry, and this week it's the turn of the stalwart workhorse of the Red Army - the T34. Before diving in, we’d like to thank Victrix for sending these over for review. There's...

Goonhammer Historicals: Victrix Soviet Infantry

Victrix Miniatures are well known for their 28mm output - we've covered many of their Medieval, Roman and Napoleonic sets before - but in recent years they've expanded out to a new, exciting range of 12mm WW2 sets. With...

Goonhammer Historicals: Victrix French Artillery

For all that Napoleonic miniature sculptors love devoting time and energy to the flamboyant cavalry, the real hero of the battlefield - the "beautiful daughters" of the Big Napoleon Himself - are the guns. There's something quintessentially Napoleonic about...