
JD’s Road to Adepticon, Part 1

Greetings reader! It is I, TheArmorOfContempt, one of the lesser known remoras that has attached itself to the constantly growing leviathan known as Goonhammer, and I am here to share my upcoming journey to Adepticon with you. But first, a...

The Horus Heresy – Legion Overview – The Ultramarines

Oops, this is for Horus Heresy 1.0! - you might be after the updated article here. The Horus Heresy: Legion Overview - The Ultramarines  The Space Marine Legions of the First Founding make up the core factions and conflict of the...

How To Paint Everything: Marneus Calgar

In our How to Paint Everything series, we take a look at different armies of the Warhammer universe, examine their history and heraldry, and look at several different methods for painting them. The first to cross the Rubicon Primaris was the...

Tournament Analysis – Alliance Open & Element Grand Slam

Welcome back readers. This week we're going to do something a little different. Over the last two weeks I've written previews for two ITC majors happening in Europe, the Alliance Open and the Element Games Grand Slam (Eggs). Normally after...

Psychic Awakening II: Faith and Fury Review, Part 2: Space Marines

Warhammer 40k’s 8th Edition brought with it an advancing of the storyline by about 100 years. According to a recent Voxcast we’ll be spending some time over the next few years exploring this era. Across the galaxy, psychic-sensitive beings...

Tournament Report – Blood and Glory 2019

In last week's preview I promised you an exciting chronicle of the consequences of making extremely silly decisions regarding Wraithknights and here at Goonhammer we don't let our readers down. I held my nerve and my largest robot son...

Space Marines at the Fargo Two Rivers ITC Event: A Naramyth Trip Report

As I've mentioned before, I don't need to chase Admech RTT points for the rest of the ITC year so now it's time for me to turn my attention to my true love: Space Marines. I've owned marines for...

SRM’s Road to Nova Part 7: Vulgar Display (board) of Power

I'm just gonna set this fucker off and post my stan, my man, my all-time boi, Marneus Calgar: I absolutely loved painting this dude, and with him I'm firmly over 2000 points. However, with enough painted for all of my...

Codex Supplement: Ultramarines – The Goonhammer Review

It wasn't enough for Games Workshop to just release a new Codex for Space Marines; they had to go and release half a dozen Codex Supplements covering major chapters. The first among these, and a complete no-brainer as a...

Codex Space Marines – The Goonhammer Review – Part 1 (Army & Faction Traits)

8th Edition has not, if we're honest, been a great time to be a Space Marine player. Until now. More than any other faction save Grey Knights, Marines have laboured for the last two years under the dreadful burden of having...