
The October FAQs update

Well, Games Workshop followed through on their threatpromise to give us new FAQ updates for every faction following the release of Space Marines and while we were speculating that something like fifteen books needed errata and FAQs, it turns...

October 2020 FAQ Update Review – Genestealer Cults and Tyranids

In advance of the upcoming release of Codex: Space Marines and as promised, Games Workshop dropped a massive FAQ update on us today (remember when we said fifteen books needed FAQs? Turns out it was more). There’s a lot...

Competitive Innovations in 9th: Iron Halo and Red Rock Exterminatus

Welcome back to the second part of our coverage of what proved to be an extremely busy weekend for the 40K tournament scene, this time turning our attention to two events taking place in the USA, the Iron Halo...

Competitive Innovations in 9th: Brisbane GT

From within the terrible Panopticon we recently had installed in the Goonhammer offices we have once more cast our gazes far and wide to continue bringing you week-by-week updates on the exciting new builds players are trying out in...

Little Wars: Combat Patrol Mission Gameplay in 9th

We've devoted a lot of time and energy to Strike Force missions in 9th edition, but we'd be remiss if we didn't talk about some of the other new ways to play 40k with smaller armies. In today's article,...

9th Edition Faction Focus: Tyranids

9th edition is on the way, and with it a whole raft of changes to the factions of Warhammer 40,000. With the Munitorum Field Manual out in the wild and the Faction FAQs released, now’s a good time to start taking a...

Getting Started: Genestealer Cults

At Goonhammer we’ve devoted a lot of words to talking about how to compete and take your game to the next level. In “Getting Started,” we look at how to get started with an army – the basics you...

Hammer of Math: Quick Hits – Psychic Barrage, and Termagant Swarms

This week’s Hammer of Math is looking at some user-submitted questions about the ravenous swarm that is the Tyranid faction. We'll look over whether or not Psychic Barrage is worth the price paid, and exactly how hard is it...

One_Wing’s Tournament Report: Beachhead Brawl

Welcome once again elf fans - a relatively quick one this week because last week was a bit wild and so far my Warhammer time this week has been taken up dealing with an FAQ immediately breaking my article...

Psychic Awakening: The Greater Good Review – Genestealer Cults

Welcome suspiciously-purple-tinged friends! The Psychic Awakening train continues to roll ever onwards, and the latest payload of fancy new toys includes an update for the devious insurrectionists of the Genestealer Cults. As we extensively detailed in our Start Competing...