turn order

Kingdom Hearts Talisman: A Perfect License for an Imperfect Game – Boardhammer

Oh Talisman. If you ask someone who has played this fantasy epic you'll get one of two reactions. Some will groan and roll their eyes, cursing the game's dated mechanisms and over-reliance on luck; the others will grin with...

Boardhammer – Revolution of 1828

From the Publisher: It is 1828 and the time for elections has come around again in this newly-formed democracy we call the United States of America. John Quincy Adams and Andrew Jackson are the candidates vying for the people’s votes....

Boardhammer – V-Commandos

From the Publisher: Victory depends on you! Be the stealthiest heroes of World War 2. Move like shadows behind enemy lines and undermine the adversary’s plans by accomplishing history-changing operations. Make good use of your commandos’ patented weapons: stealth, rapidity and...

Boardhammer: The Search for Planet X

From the Publisher: At the edge of our solar system, a dark planet may lurk. In 2015, astronomers estimated a large distant planet could explain the unique orbits of dwarf planets and other objects. Since then, astronomers have been scanning...

Boardhammer: Race for the Galaxy

Do you want to conquer the stars? Of course you do, who doesn't? But how to conquer them, that is the question. Mass colonization? Military rule? Trade and economics? All paths are open in Race for the Galaxy, so...

Boardhammer: 7 Wonders Duel

In my boardgame groups, there’s something we like to jokingly call a ‘conversion rate’: namely the frequency and speed in which a game gets purchased by a player, for themselves, after a friend shows it to them. With the...