turn order

The Best Remote Boardgames (for the remote-averse) – Turn Order

When I wrote about hitting the remote wall after playing online board games with friends and strangers during Our Pandemic Timeline, I found that I wasn’t alone in my boardgame burnout. When players are not in the same room at...

Remote Boardgaming: We Are All Multiplayer Solitaire – Turn Order

Twenty months into the pandemic timeline it hits me: I suffer from remote board gaming fatigue. I’ve caught my limit. I’m out of spoons. Recently I’ve lost my taste for remote, online board gaming. Online gaming wasn't a new concept...

Bladeborn: Small Skirmish, Big Narrative – Turn Order

Miniature wargames can be intimidating. I've spent years trying to convince my gaming buddies to pick up a ruler and slam hams with me, to little avail. Points, lists, sprues, terrain, rulers, and assorted other elements of wargames make...

Games for Little Kids: Pick Me Up, Piggy! and Stone Soup

Playing competitive games with little kids is always a tricky affair. On the one hand, you want to teach them about losing and being a good sport, and to find fun even when they aren't successful. You want them...

ROVE – Space Logic – Turn Order

ROVE (designed by Dustin Dobson & Milan Zivkovic for Button Shy Games) is an 18-card, abstract, solo, spatial puzzle game. Based on my tastes and strengths, almost every descriptive word in that previous sentence is makes me itchy and...

32 Years Later, is HeroQuest More Than Just a Nostalgia Play?

Here's something you need to know before I start this article, Dear Reader: I am a complete mark for something like this. My hobby and nerdgames journey basically began with HeroQuest back in 1990, when I first played over...

Can’t Stop Won’t Stop – Turn Order

Abstract games are regarded as either sacred tomes or four-letter words depending on one's tastes. Or you can go full galaxy brain and say "in a way, if you think about it, isn't every board game abstract?" But that's...

Hitting the Not So Dusty Trails: A Turn Order Review

I find my board game collection shrinking, and my board game time shrinking with it. I recently went through a fairly massive gaming clean out, and the biggest conclusion I reached over time was this: I don’t have time for...

Games for Young Kids: Snail Sprint!

It's been a while since I wrote about buying and playing a new board game with my (now) five year-old son; we've been playing a lot of Rhino Hero Super Battle and getting into scavenger hunts - but that's...

Fantasy Realms: A Touch of Magic (the Gathering) – Turn Order

Ask me if I like Magic the Gathering (MtG) and I'll say, "of course." But ask me if I like playing Magic the Gathering and I'll say: "absolutely not." I like the idea of MtG. I appreciate the game's design,...