
The Big FAQ 3 and You

The Big FAQ 3 And You Making the Most of the Changes   It's finally here! After almost a month of interminable waiting, Slaanesh announcements, and surveys, Games Workshop finally delivered its third major FAQ/Errata for Warhammer 40,000 and man did they...

Tournament report: Corrode at Autumn Tides of War

On Sunday I attended my local shop's quarterly one-day event, Tides of War, along with Artum and One_Wing. The venue is the excellent Bristol Independent Gaming, and the format is 1500pts with 3 games, played using the Maelstrom missions...

Ways to Play: Combined Eternal War/Maelstrom

After posting my report on playing at Battlefield Birmingham recently, one of the pieces of feedback I received was that it would have been helpful to explain how the missions worked and how that would affect strategy. These combined...

Corrode at Battlefield Birmingham 14 – Day 2

Day 1 report here. I finished day 1 with a positive record, 2 wins and 1 loss. This wasn't what anyone hopes for from the first day, but it's still decent and put me in a good position for day 2. Game...

Corrode at Battlefield Birmingham 14 – Day 1

Like One_Wing I attended Battlefield Birmingham 14 over the weekend, a tournament held (unsurprisingly) in Birmingham. I'd played at the doubles in June where my partner and I did respectably with 2 wins, 2 draws and a loss, but this...