tournament reports

Tournament Report – Bad Moon Final

Christmas is nearly upon us and after the complete madness that was the Chapter Approved/Blood of Baal release weekend, things are finally winding down for a little bit of a break before January ramps up. However, there's still time...

Naramyth and Gunum: End of the Road to Renegade – Tournament Report, Part 2

Renegade: End of the Road Gunum here, presenting the second and final of our Renegade Recap! After a small* (read long) delay after back-to-back releases this past Thanksgiving weekend requiring review writing, I was finally able to sit down and...

Naramyth and Gunum: End of the Road to Renegade – Tournament Report, Part 1

We took the Road to Renegade Friday night down to exotic Plymouth MN, a suburb of Minneapolis for the 7th Renegade Open. As I said I've attended every Renegade Open that has been so it's a bit of a...

HMOC Presents: The Road to Renegade – Part Two (A Gunum and Naramyth Presentation)

The Road to Renegade: The Swine-venture Continues Hello everyone! Welcome to part two of our adventure to the Renegade Open (part 1 is here for those of you interested). The Renegade Open 2019 Grand Tournament starts on Saturday, Nov 23rd,...

Dark Angels at the Bartlesville Iron Halo ITC Major, Day 1: A Gunum Tournament Report

Gunum's Guns Hey, everyone! Chase “Gunum” Garber here with my very first breakdown of a major since joining the team here at Goonhammer. I am a founding member of the Warhogs ITC team along with Cyle “Naramyth” Thompson. I am...

Tournament Report – The London Open – Part 1

Last week Wings brought you a preview of the London Open, discussing his army list, looking at some of the more interesting armies out in the field, and triggering some mild controversy regarding a certain Grav-Tank. Before the mighty...

Tournament Preview – Three Cool Lists From the London Open

A month on from the Bristol City Open, it's finally time for me to hit the tournament tables again this weekend at the London Open. I haven't been totally idle gaming-wise - I TOed an RTT for our local...

Punchy Admech RTT: A Naramyth Trip Report

No rest for the servants of the Omnissiah - Naramyth is back with another tournament report, this time trying out a more combat-oriented AdMech build. Will Dragoons be even better now they have some buddies to zoom up the...

Tournament Report: Bristol City Open 2019, Part 2

Some of the Goonhammer crew are regular tournament attendees. In our Wednesday Tournament Reports, we cover the latest events we've attended, what we took to them, the strategies we employed, and how it all worked out. Continuing from last...

Tournament Report: Bristol City Open 2019, Part 1

Some of the Goonhammer crew are regular tournament attendees. In our Wednesday Tournament Reports, we cover the latest events we've attended, what we took to them, the strategies we employed, and how it all worked out. This week, our...