tournament report

Bright-eyed and Bushy-tailed: A Newcomer’s GT Perspective

Everyone has their first, and this was mine. Most of you have been to a big event, but it's easy to forget that there are a lot of people out there who have never been to a more "serious"...

Tournament Report – Seeds of Destruction

Last week we looked at three lists from the Seeds of Destruction GT in Wales, and the event is now in the books so it's time for a write-up. If you want to see my list before we jump...

Tournament Preview – Three Cool Lists from Crucible 8 GT

Participating in the Nova Open's Narrative event has left me hungry for more 40k, so I've set my sights on attending the Crucible 8 GT this weekend. This will be my first time attending Crucible, and I'm pretty excited! Down...

Tournament Preview – Three Cool Lists from Seeds of Destruction

Tournament season is back! For whatever reason, the months of October and November are extremely densely packed with events in the UK calendar, so just like last year it's time for a wild ride of events through to Christmas,...

Space Marines at the Fargo Two Rivers ITC Event: A Naramyth Trip Report

As I've mentioned before, I don't need to chase Admech RTT points for the rest of the ITC year so now it's time for me to turn my attention to my true love: Space Marines. I've owned marines for...

Tournament Report – LGT 2019 – Part 2

Part 1 Welcome back to part two of my report from the LGT. Last time we checked in I'd just narrowly lost to Tom Leighton's Knights & Space Marines army, so was keen to put up a win to close...

Tournament Report – LGT 2019 – Part 1

As previewed last week, this past weekend I've been at the LGT 2019. After a notoriously rocky event last year, the pressure was on the organisers to deliver a fantastic tournament experience, and the first bit of good news...

Making Friends and Purging Heretics: Going 2-1 at the Bel Air Games RTT

Introduction Hola my dudes and dudettes, Scott Horras "Heresy" here with my debut Goonhammer article. Today I've got a hot and spicy 2-1 RTT performance recap for you all to be marginally disappointed with. Oh yeah, I make my memes...

Tournament Preview – Three Cool Lists from the LGT

This coming week sees an especially exciting tournament coming up - the LGT. As TheChirurgeon already covered in his metagame analysis article, this represents the last "grand slam" of the summer, and is also the last huge event prior...

The Corroad to NoVA Part 4: Sorry Yncarne, This is the End of Your Road

Welcome back to the Corroad to NovA! My flight to the US is just 12 days away which is Extremely Soon and it has crept up on me enormously. There’s still more painting to get done than I really...