tournament report

Kings of War: The Road to ConVic 2021

Hey all and welcome back to our biweekly Kings of War coverage! These days it seems like almost everyone on the Goonhammer staff are gearing up for tournaments of one type or another. Not contented to let the 40k...

Tournament Report – Ham Fam Gardenhammer with Nighthaunt

With Third Edition out in the wild it's time to start getting some games in, and Ellarr is so eager that he made the bold decision to trust the British weather for a mini gardenhammer tournament. Find out how...

Age of Sigmar Tournament Report: JoeK attends the Atlantic City Open

With the 2nd edition of Age of Sigmar winding to a close, Josef "JoeK" Krier took his Lumineths out for one last ride at the Atlantic City Open. In this report he talks about his list, and the games...

Gunum Presents: Immunized and Loving It – a RTT Tourney Report

Flight of the Dark Phoenix Hello dear readers, it's fabulous to be able to reach out to you again with some fun Gunum action. With the pandemic restricting all of our travels and in turn, stifling a lot of our...

Infinity Tactics: Timfinity Tournament Report

I'm lucky enough to be operating in Canberra, Australia which has had a Covid response effective enough to allow the resumption of tournaments. The Infinity community got the new year off to a good start with the local Timfinity...

Mayhem in the Midwest: Mid-Mo Maelstrom GT Tournament Report

Over the weekend I had the pleasure of attending the third annual Mid-Mo Maelstrom in Ashland, Missouri. Hosted by Ben Spears and the Forgeworld Columbia crew – the event was a well-attended and controlled (COVID) 50-person GT. Perhaps the...

Tournament Report: Labor Day GT

Hello there readers! Shane again with another tournament report, the first one in a while. Firstly I hope this article finds you safe and in good health in these crazy times. I cannot stress enough how much I wish...

Tournament Report – Battlefield Birmingham 17

This honestly feels like a weird thing to write, given how much things have changed since the weekend, but we're not going to have much tournament coverage for a while, so here goes. This past weekend, in the happier times...

Tournament Report: Corrode at the Renegades 40k Open: Echoes of War 4

And the award for longest tournament name goes to... The Renegades 40k Open series is run by the Vale Renegades over in Cardiff. They run two events per year; this one, Echoes of War, and then Seeds of Destruction in...

One_Wing’s Tournament Report – Winter Warfare 2020

Last week we went through my games at Beachhead Brawl, but the UK tournament calendar is getting ever more stacked and there's no rest for those of us who want to bring you exciting stories of tabletop warfare. This...