The Road to NoVA

Check out the Nova Open Charitable Foundation Raffles

We completely understand the need to cancel NOVA this year (and are in total support) but we were still deeply saddened when the event was canceled. However, that doesn't mean everything about NOVA is cancelled – now through Saturday, September 12th...

Mentor’s Road Past NoVA: Y’all were just dying to know.

Long time no see right? After dropping a paragraph in the initial Road to NoVA I kinda dropped off the face of the world. I'm sure you're all dying to know if I managed to grind through the massive...

The 40k Hamateur Hour Presents: Road to Nova Week 16 – Pencils Down

Hey Hams, I’m Dan, better known as FromTheShire online, and welcome back for the sixteenth and final installment of the 40k Hamateur Hour's Road to Nova after finally recovering from some heavy, delayed onset con crud. This week I’m...

Soggy’s Road to NoVA, Part 5: End of the Road

After months of anticipation and preparation NoVA has been and gone. The past few days have been a complete blur; the only thing I can be sure of is that I had a blast and loved every minute of...

NOVA 2019, Part 2: The Big Titty Werewolf Appreciator Has Logged On

Yesterday I gave a long, rambling rundown of my first two days playing in the NOVA 2019 40k Grand Tournament. You either didn't read that update or have ~t h e  b r a i n w o r...

NOVA 2019, Part 1: As Bad and As Good As it Gets

After an entire summer of frantic painting, army changes, Goonhammer updates, and last-minute Chaos Knight assembly, it was finally time for NOVA. For me, that meant three days of yelling, gaming, drinking, and more yelling as I tackled the...

Greg’s Road to NoVA, Part 7: Standing Around Yelling

I just drove back from NoVA, and boy are my legs tired. That's not even a joke, I'm just old as hell and my legs and back hurt, plus I can't talk anymore on account of screaming all day...

Greg’s Road To Nova, Part 6: Debaser

6.1 Born Under Punches "eat shit last-minute paint-havers" - me, in better times First, let's look at progress. I made a condensed version of my army list, so I don't have to print 10 copies of ButtScribe cards to hand out during...

The 40k Hamateur Hour Presents: Road to Nova Week 15

Hey Hams, I’m Dan, better known as FromTheShire online, and welcome back for the fifteenth(!) and penultimate installment of the 40k Hamateur Hour's Road to Nova. This week I’m continuing along through the process of getting my first painted...

The Road to NoVA: The Final GT Lists

If you've been following the Road to NoVA series, you've seen us planning out our lists, trying out different builds, and frenziedly painting models as we suddenly realise it's the middle of August and we're not finished yet. Many of the...