The Old World

The Old World: The Line Tactic and Why it Doesn’t Work

If you spend any amount of time on the internet that isn't solely on Goonhammer dot com then, first off I'm sorry, but secondly you may have seen discourse referring to so-called "Linehammer". But what is it?  In Warhammer the...

That Old World Charm Episode 4 Out Now!

That Old World Charm Episode 4: My Legs are Tired and It Is the Movement Phase is out now! In this episode of That Old World Charm, Danny, Falcon, and Adam go over the Strategy and Movement phases and how...

Old World Legacy Faction Review: Daemons of Chaos

"The Daemons of Chaos can be likened to hungry and rabid wolves. The shepherd should not waste time hating the wolf that attacks his flock. He should simply kill it." - Volkmar the Grim "Daemons? I just think they're neat."...

That Old World Charm

In the darkest times, it will come to pass, as it always must, that three middle-aged men will get together and talk very passionately about things they love and have a basic knowledge of, and then send it into...

Games Industry News Roundup- January 23rd, 2024

A wise person once said “Ignorance is bliss”. When asked to elaborate, they promptly responded with “huh?” But is ignorance really all that blissful? Sure, by remaining ignorant of everything happening around us we don’t have to confront “the terrors”,...

Forces of Fantasy: Wood Elves Faction Review

Falcon takes a deep dive into Wood Elves and shares his experience on them so far.

Warhammer: The Old World Legacy Armies

Alongside the nine core factions making a fully fledged return to The Old World are the Legacy Armies. Games Workshop have released free PDFs which encompass the full rules and army list for each of these seven factions. In...

Old World Faction Review: Warriors of Chaos

Falcon takes a deep dive into the Warriors of Chaos and what makes them tick.

Arcane Journal: Kingdom of Bretonnia Review

Liam takes a look at the Arcane Journal supplement for the Kingdom of Bretonnia and what it has to offer players.

Arcane Journal: Tomb Kings of Khemri Review

"Now make ready your weapons, my soldiers, for the time is at hand. Go forth, I command you go forth in haste and march with your king into the darkness of the tomb. Make great the name of Settra...