The Old World

Arcane Journal: Orc and Goblin Tribes Review

  "Get da Clans togevva....We’s goin to war!" -Gorbad Ironclaw: Pig Enthusiast Arcane Journal: Orc and Goblin Tribes follows in the footsteps of the first two Arcane Journals (Bretonnia and Tomb Kings) with a book filled with new lore, two new Armies...

The Old World: Shooting and Volley Fire

With a new edition of a rank and flank game comes the question: how many ranks is the right number? This will vary drastically between player, army, and unit but for volley firing arrows it's a little easier to...

The Old World: On The Merits of Being Bad

Tyler shares his thoughts on embracing the Old World that was, coming from a competitive 40K background.

Bair’s Dwarf Army Showcase – Warhammer The Old World

Dwarfs are simply the greatest Warhammer army that exists. Well, not just Warhammer, but any game system that includes them. They rule. Small Origins I'm of an age that my first Warhammer Fantasy set was the Seventh Edition Battle for...

Old World Unbroken Episode 2- Skari Shares His Initial Thoughts

Join Blake Law and Dan Lindley as they interview Skari about his fairly extensive intro into Old World! Tomb Kings and Beastmen are discussed!

Games Industry News Roundup- February 27th, 2024

Ignorance is bliss. A common saying that almost everyone on earth has used before. Unless you are ignorant of “ignorance is bliss”, which itself seems pretty blissful.  If you’re ignorant and blissful, one might accuse you of living under a...

Old Worlders: A Tale of Five Gamers

We kick off a new series following six players building armies and returning to The Old World.

Warhammer the Old World Reference Sheets

Like many of the returning Warhammer Fantasy players getting into Game's Workshops newest iteration of square-based fantasy battles I have a few edition's worth of rules in my head. Whether you're coming from an older edition of Warhammer Fantasy...

Army Showcase: SRM’s Warhammer Empire

In our Army Showcase series, Goonhammer contributors take a look at the armies we’ve been collecting for years, and the new ones we’ve just finished – what drew us to them, why we keep building and painting, and how they play...

Old World Legacy Faction Review: Lizardmen

Way back in the late 1900s there was a cartoon show that ran for 1 season and 3 specials. It was called Dino-riders and it was absolutely the greatest idea anyone had ever come up with for a cartoon...