The Old World

Old World: Reserve Move and You

The Old World is a setting filled with flying monsters, barreling Cavalry, and in some cases locomotive engines. But, today, we'll be talking about one of the fastest and most utility filled rules in the book: Reserve Move.  Spread very...

Ye Old Ruleshammer: Armour Value and Plague of Rust

Welcome back to yet another instalment of Ruleshammer for Warhammer The Old World. In today's segment we're taking a look at what armour values are, how they're modified, when you use which one, and some strange interactions.  What Is Armour...

The Old World April 9 FAQ

Introduction Falcon: They did it! They really did it! The SDS (specialist design studio) team has done it again, coming out hot with an extensive FAQ for the Old World mere months into its launch. And folks, it’s a really...

Perigrin’s Return to The Old World – Tournament Report

The Old World is still a pretty new game, without a ton of data to draw from or practical experience out there. There is a lot of speculation about what is the most powerful, what works, and what doesn't....

Ye Olde Ruleshammer: Killing Blow and Monster Slayer

This is the beginning of what will likely be a series all about rules interactions in the Old World. I wanted to call this series "Read Your Rulebook" but thought better of that. Mostly.  Today I'm looking at the two...

Arcane Journal: Orc and Goblin Tribes Review

  "Get da Clans togevva....We’s goin to war!" -Gorbad Ironclaw: Pig Enthusiast Arcane Journal: Orc and Goblin Tribes follows in the footsteps of the first two Arcane Journals (Bretonnia and Tomb Kings) with a book filled with new lore, two new Armies...

The Old World: Shooting and Volley Fire

With a new edition of a rank and flank game comes the question: how many ranks is the right number? This will vary drastically between player, army, and unit but for volley firing arrows it's a little easier to...

The Old World: On The Merits of Being Bad

Tyler shares his thoughts on embracing the Old World that was, coming from a competitive 40K background.

Bair’s Dwarf Army Showcase – Warhammer The Old World

Dwarfs are simply the greatest Warhammer army that exists. Well, not just Warhammer, but any game system that includes them. They rule. Small Origins I'm of an age that my first Warhammer Fantasy set was the Seventh Edition Battle for...

Old World Unbroken Episode 2- Skari Shares His Initial Thoughts

Join Blake Law and Dan Lindley as they interview Skari about his fairly extensive intro into Old World! Tomb Kings and Beastmen are discussed!