The Old World

The Old World: Ellyrian Reavers – The Goonhammer Review

While the release of Warhammer: The Old World happened a little over a year ago the one thing we haven't really had a lot of from Games Workshop is new plastic kits. All the Arcane Journals have been accompanied...

The Old World Arcane Journal – High Elf Realms Review

The Arcane Journal for the High Elves is here in the Old World, and we're looking at the two new Armies of Infamy along with the units and magic items that support them.

Goonhammer Talks Rank And Flank

A lot of our writers enjoy lining up little painted weirdos in rectangles and shuffling them around tabletops, and today we’ve got a roundtable of our writers talking about systems and games they enjoy.

Warhammer the Old World – Exploring Terrain in the Old World

We take a dive into the terrain rules provided for us in the Warhammer: The Old World Rulebook and discussing each type, as well as some ideas on how to use them on the table.

Goonhammer Roundtable: The LVO 2025 GW Reveals

We take a look at everything revealed on Games Workshop's reveal stream at the 2025 Las Vegas Open and talk about what we like, what we don't, and what it means for this year's releases.

Warhammer The Old World – January FAQ 2025

January has seen the newest installment of the FAQs for Warhammer the Old World; Liam_Jordan runs through and highlight the key amendments which have been made.

How to Paint Everything: The Old World – Middenheim, Talabecland and Hochland

With the release of Arcane Journal: Empire of Man upon us, you might be thinking about painting up your own little army, but where to begin? Over the next few weeks, we'll be looking at a number of different possible of home cities and provinces in How to Paint Everything.

The Old World Arcane Journal – Empire of Man Review

The Old World has a new Arcane Journal out for the Empire of Man, and our experts break it all down here.

Goonhammer Historicals: Wargames Atlantic Conquistador and Renaissance Cavalry Review

While the proliferation of black powder weapons across the battlefields of the world would change the nature of warfare, soldiers mounted on horses continued to play a major role in combat until the early 20th century. Heavily armored knights,...

Warhammer: The Old World

Welcome to our corner of the internet covering everything about Warhammer: The Old World. From strategy and faction guides to help painting your miniatures this is where you'll find it all!  Getting Started Warhammer – Return to The Old World ...