The Hobby Room

Tweets of War V: A Good Day to Tweet Hard

This week Tweets Of War are back to 40k, with Coda battling The Hobby Room’s Ceri in a game of 40k via twitch and twittar. Tweets of war has each of us made a new twitter account and instead of...

Podcast Appearance – Tweets of War on 40K Today

If you’re feeling like you’d enjoy a dose of Goonhammer goodness in a different format then good news – you can check out today’s (29th April 2020) episode of 40K today to hear Tyler "Coda" Moore and Ceri from...

Tweets of War IV: Live Free Or Tweet Hard

For the last 3 weeks I, Coda, have been battling The Hobby Room's Ceri in a game of 40k/AOS via twitch and twittar. Each of us made a new twitter account and instead of directly taking command of our armies,...

Tweets of War II: Tweet Harder

Last week I took on Ceri in a game of 40k. I was in the Australia, she in the UK. Normally this would be impossible, however with the power of Twitter and webcams we came up with a system...