The Fabricator General

Gaming Spaces: TheChirurgeon’s Space, Part 3 – Building a Dedicated Gaming Room

Alright, Dear Reader, this is it. The final part in my three-part series on building a gaming space. I've previously talked about the space I built at my parents' house, the stow-able, modular table I built for gaming in...

The Fabricator General – Pouring one out: Creating Water Features

In this article, Mike begins his journey towards building a little slice of Italy, starting from the canal up.

Gaming Spaces: The Chirurgeon’s Space, Part 2 – Working with a Cramped Apartment

Welcome back, dear reader, to the second in a three-part series on my gaming spaces. Last time I spoke about building a space at my parents' house and what kind of parameters I needed to work around there. Although...

Getting Started with Photogrammetry – Part 3 – Creating Models

Turn your physical models into digital 3D models in this guide to photogrammetry. This third article covers turning your photos into a 3D model with 3DF Zephyr.

Gaming Spaces: The Chirurgeon’s Space, Part 1 – Working with Someone Else’s Space

I knew when we first started tossing around the idea for a series on gaming rooms that my story would have to be one in multiple parts. In part because I’ve built multiple set-ups over the last 10 years...

How to Paint Everything: Crab-Stuffed Mushrooms’ Ork Kill Team Terrain

We've previously covered how to paint the new Octarius terrain from Kill Team 2021 in our How to Paint Everything article on the topic, but today we're bringing you an extra dose covering Crab-Stuffed Mushrooms' wonderful efforts to assemble...

Gaming Spaces: From Stankhold to Dankhold

Playing at home can be a wonderful experience, but creating a great gaming space with limited time and resources can be a massive challenge itself! Each week in our Gaming Spaces series we’ll be looking at an author’s gaming...

Gaming Spaces: Behold!…My Stuff! – TheArmorOfContempt’s Gaming Room

Playing at home can be a wonderful experience, but creating a great gaming space with limited time and resources can be a massive challenge itself! Each week in our Gaming Spaces series we’ll be looking at an author’s gaming...

Gaming Spaces: Warmistress Tanya’s Gaming Space

Playing at home can be a wonderful experience, but creating a great gaming space with limited time and resources can be a massive challenge itself! Each week in our Gaming Spaces series we’ll be looking at an author’s gaming...

Gaming Spaces: Welcome to Warzone Pendulin

Everyone has their own take on building a gaming space, a way to make it unique and comfortable. Today we're touring Pendulin's gaming space to see what he's built.