
Battlezone Fronteris Terrain: The Goonhammer Review

For several months now we’ve been waiting for the release of GW’s newest terrain set, Battlezone Fronteris, which was first previewed late last year and received rules in the Vigilus Alone campaign supplement. This new boxed set expands on...

Hobby Showcase: Todd Putnam’s Tables

Thanks to social media I stumbled across some of Todd's work on a terrain building page which linked me over to his Instagram profile. I was in awe of all the incredible boards and miniatures on his page but...

Carnevale Venetian Quarter – Painting the Town Red

Hop in the gondola as Mike takes us through the canals of Venice and shares his thoughts on painting the town red. In this new min-series, Mike details his journey towards building a gaming board for Carnevale, sharing his thoughts...

Kill Team Nachmund: The Narrative Play Review (Terrain/Spec Ops)

Kill Team: Nachmund releases this weekend and if you missed our reviews of the boxed set or either of the two new kill teams - the corsair voidscarred or the traitor legionnaires - you can find them by click...

Necromunday: Model Railroad Edition – Part 1

Howdy Scummers! This week we are talking trains! Just wanted to show you a glimpse of a past project, some work in progress, and give a little idea about how I build my terrain. Back in 2020 I had the...

Vanguard Tactics Terrain, Reviewed

For this review, we built several each of the Necrotek, Gothic, and the Military Base. Other than the Gothic, which only comes in one, they come in a few different colors, but the parts and structure are the same....

Battlezone Mechanicum Terrain Datacards Review

A lot of fuss was made about Tactical Deployment when it first previewed; Games Workshop hyped it as new way to play competitive 40k that might become the norm for tournaments. Instead what we got was a weak release...

Build a Hive City with TTCombat

As a long-time fan of putting cool-looking minis on cool-looking terrain, I keep my eye out for any opportunity to spruce up the battlefield. Let's look at some terrain I recently put together, with special thanks to TTCombat for...

Terrain Review: Venetian Quarter by TTCombat

In this review, Mike takes a look at the Venetian Quarter, created by TTCombat as he continues his journey under the Rent in the Sky. This isn’t the first time we’ve visited the strange Venice created by the designers at...

How to Paint Everything: Crab-Stuffed Mushrooms’ Ork Kill Team Terrain

We've previously covered how to paint the new Octarius terrain from Kill Team 2021 in our How to Paint Everything article on the topic, but today we're bringing you an extra dose covering Crab-Stuffed Mushrooms' wonderful efforts to assemble...