Ten Thunders

Goonhammer’s Ashes of Malifaux Review Part 8: The Ten Thunders

That's it!  We've shot the chutes and climbed the ladders, we've slogged through bog and sewer and stepped through high society.  Now it's time to retire to the smoking parlors and tea houses of the Little Kingdom and find...

Malifaux Burns Part 7: The Ten Thunders

The Ten Thunders thrive on chaos.  They're opportunists, always looking for an edge that they can leverage against the more established factions, and it's possible that the Burning Man is just that edge.  Of course, he's not the kind...

Malifaux Faction Focus: the Ten Thunders

Welcome to the... jeez, it's the seventh Faction Focus!  Today, we'll be talking about the masters of deception, manipulation, and precisely metered violence: the crime syndicate known as the Ten Thunders. Remember that you can also check out the accompanying video...