Blaseball: Wild Cards – Taking Back Sportsball – Turn Order

There are two types of reviews one can write for the Blaseball: Wild Cards tactical card game (released by Wayfinder Games and co-designed by Rain Watt & Michael Fox). One is for those familiar with Blaseball, the free, low-fi, online...

Getting Started: Yu-Gi-Oh! Digital Formats

Welcome back to another Yu-Gi-Oh! article. Bet you didn't think you'd see another one huh? Well I'm still absolutely on my bullshit and ready to continue talking about the game. This is a follow-up article to my previous article you...

Getting Started: Yu-Gi-Oh!

In our Getting Started series, we talk about getting started in a variety of games and hobbies. Today we're talking about one of the most popular TCGs in the world, Yu-Gi-Oh. Do you play other card games and you’re looking...