
Solar Auxilia Dracosan: The Goonhammer Review

So you’re looking at your Solar Auxilia and you’re thinking “yes, these are cool, but wouldn’t they be better mechanised?”. I know you are. Mechanised infantry, however they actually play on the tabletop and regardless of whether they’re a...

Solar Auxilia Leman Russ: the Goonhammer Review

I love a good Leman Russ. Back in 96 it was the first tank I ever bought, and some of the much-battered, often-restripped parts of that particular Russ has stayed with me to this day. So I was damn...

Goonhammer Historicals – World of Tanks (The Tabletop Game!) Review

Time for everyone to grab their tread grease and hearing protection, because we’re talking big tanks in a little game. This review was completed with a free copy of The World of Tanks Miniatures Game provided to us by Gale Force 9. The...

Goonhammer Historicals – Tanksgiving 2023

It's Tanksgiving, everygoon. We choose to celebrate this year by showing off some of the coolest, wonkiest, weirdest, sweetest tanks we've read about, seen, or used in a wargame. Grab those Tanksgiving Pants (the ones with the motor oil...

Goonhammer Historicals: Victrix SU-76 and Lend Lease at 12mm

The 12mm Soviet range from Victrix grows ever larger - we've had the infantry, we've had the T-34s and now, the SU-76 self propelled gun arrives to provide some serious anti-tank firepower for your Red Army. Thanks to Victrix for...

Horus Heresy Tactica: Legiones Decurion

The Legiones Decurions are a set of fancy tank commanders in the Horus Heresy. This week we're diving into how to effectively use them.

Horus Heresy Model Review: Sicaran Venator

This week the Sicaran Venator and Cerberus Tank Destroyer go up for pre-order, so we can all get our grubby little mitts on the Heresy's fastest (and largest) tank destroyers. Before we dive in, thanks to Games Workshop for...