
Getting Better at Warhammer 40,000: Upping Your Game

So you’ve Brushed up on the basics, lovingly painted all of your little plastic mans, and studied your probability basics. You’ve got a few games under your belt, and you’re ready to take the next step. Maybe not play...

The Imperial General’s Field Guide to Assassins

The Imperial General’s Field Guide to Assassins If you like playing 40k competitively, it likely hasn’t escaped your notice that something sinister has been stirring in the shadows... Index Assassins has been out since the start of March, and those...

Getting Started With Warhammer 40,000: The Basics

Welcome to the Wonderful World of Warhammer 40k! This article fits in as the starting point for two different series - it's the introductory point for our Getting Started series for Warhammer 40,000, but it's also a good jumping...

Playing with the Big Boys – Primaris Kill Teams

I imagine I am not alone in liking the look of the Primaris models. These marines, far closer to true scale than previous iterations of marines, are larger, easier to paint, and hark back to the clean lines of...