
Repulsor Executioner Points Increase – The Goonhammer Hot Take

Credit: Booley, again. Damn those are some fine Repulsors that I covered up with some fast Photoshop text.   It seems like only last week we were posting long-winded musings on the value of the Repulsor Executioner. And now all of...

Mathematical Musings – Repulsor Executioner Review/Analysis (Part 1)

Ridiculously sick model courtesy of Jack Hunter With the sheer volume of units and options available to 40k players, it can be difficult to determine if something is good and how to best use it, especially if the unit is...

Start Competing: Dark Eldar/Drukhari Tactics

Welcome to the Dark City! If you’ve always been Drukhari-curious but never knew how best to approach this weird collection of torture elves, Frankenstein elves, and pirate boats, then this is the article for you. The purpose of the...

Forge World Knights – The Goonhammer Hot Take

Alongside the Chaos Knights FAQ, Games Workshop have surprised everyone by dropping some revised rules for the various Forge World Knights, and new rules for some upcoming ones. Today, One_Wing dives into these to explore whether this changes how...

Index: Blood Ravens (8th Edition) – Review and Tactics

Depending on who you ask, Games Workshop has either been crushing it this year with their White Dwarf rules releases or they're making players' lives miserable by piling on additional rules through hard-to-get issues of their monthly magazine. I...

Blood Bowl Team Focus – Elven Union

Alqualonde Falcons - Dragonbowl League 2018 Painted by Jackal I love Blood Bowl, and I think that Goonhammer could do with gaining some Blood Bowl content. While I love the game, I'm hardly a wizard at it. I've been playing a...

Codex Chaos Knights – The Goonhammer Review

As Games Workshop releases new kits, rules, and books for Warhammer 40,000, we'll be there to review them. In our Reviews, we take a look at the contents of the new product and what it means for you, whether you're...

Skorpius Disintegrator Review/Analysis – Mechanicus Mathematical Musings Part 2

Hey! Ellarr here following up after last week's look at the Dunerider. This week it's time to take a look at the Disintegrator and see how it stacks up against the competition within the faction. To recap my approach...

A Battle Report Using the New Maelstrom Rules: Daemons vs. Grey Knights

As part of our ongoing series of articles about the new maelstrom rules (part 1 here, part 2 here, in case you missed them), we thought it would be good to include a battle report for some additional context....

Warhammer 40,000: Apocalypse Review and Unboxing

Warhammer 40,000: Apocalypse Review and Unboxing Large games of Warhammer 40,000 have always been cooler in theory than in execution. While players start imagining massive battles the moment they start playing, the reality is that massive games of Warhammer 40k...