
The New Maelstrom Rules and You, Part 1

The New Maelstrom Rules and You, Part 1 Keen readers of White Dwarf will have noticed some 40k rules content slipped in with this month’s battle report, in the form of a brand new approach to utilising the Maelstrom of...

Building a Space Marine Roster For Kill Team

  With the release of Kill Team: Elites, Adeptus Astartes have gotten a lot of new, cool toys. Lots and lots of new toys, enough that I just dropped money on plastic for a new marine kill team. Here’s...

Start Competing at Warhammer 40,000: An Intro to Tournaments, Part 2

Part 2: Playing in a Tournament Welcome back to the second part of our “Intro to Tournaments” series. Last time we covered the basics of preparing for a tournament - understanding tournament formats, preparing materials, and building lists. This time,...

Start Competing at Warhammer 40,000: An Intro to Tournaments, Part 1

Part 1: The Basics The main part of Start Competing is to get out there and, well, Start Competing. By this point you've got your army painted and on the table, you're regularly getting in some games, thinking about strategy...

Second to None: ITC Secondaries Tactics

Editor's Note: This article discusses the 2019 season mission pack. An updated version will be produced once the 2020 pack leaves beta. Regular readers of my tournament reports might have noticed that I've been playing a lot more ITC this year...

Necromunda: Dominion Campaign Territories, Ranked

Necromunda’s Dominion Campaign is pretty dang rad. Gangs fight over territories: assets that generate income, reputation, and are the prize after beating down a rival gang. But just like everything in Necromunda, territories are unbalanced as hell. In this...

The Filthy Xenos General’s Field Guide to Assassins

Introduction So people are pretty interested in learning about Imperial Assassins huh? Last week we went over strategies and guidelines for how to pick the right Assassin for your matchups when using “Operative Requisition Sanctioned” to bring one in at the...

Getting Better at Warhammer 40,000: Upping Your Game

So you’ve Brushed up on the basics, lovingly painted all of your little plastic mans, and studied your probability basics. You’ve got a few games under your belt, and you’re ready to take the next step. Maybe not play...

The Imperial General’s Field Guide to Assassins

The Imperial General’s Field Guide to Assassins If you like playing 40k competitively, it likely hasn’t escaped your notice that something sinister has been stirring in the shadows... Index Assassins has been out since the start of March, and those...

Getting Started With Warhammer 40,000: The Basics

Welcome to the Wonderful World of Warhammer 40k! This article fits in as the starting point for two different series - it's the introductory point for our Getting Started series for Warhammer 40,000, but it's also a good jumping...