
Malifaux Burns Part 7: The Ten Thunders

The Ten Thunders thrive on chaos.  They're opportunists, always looking for an edge that they can leverage against the more established factions, and it's possible that the Burning Man is just that edge.  Of course, he's not the kind...

Kings of War Spotlight: Goonhammer Interviews Bryce Clark

G’day Goonhammer readers! This week we were lucky enough to get a written interview with Bryce Clark, an outstanding Kings of War player who finished third overall for the United States in 2022 in the recent US Masters Event....

Blood Bowl – A Guide to Secret Weapons

Secret Weapons are one of the most fun and thematic parts of Blood Bowl; one of the elements of the game that reminds us how ridiculous and fantastic our game world is.  They can also swing games for (and...

Nephilim Faction Focus: Astra Militarum

Welcome to War Zone: Nephilim! There’s never been a shake-up this large during an edition of 40k, and in June Games Workshop dropped a new missions pack with all-new secondaries, changed how CP works in games, published new, all-digital...

Horus Heresy Units of the Astartes: Elites

Welcome to the Horus Heresy. With the release of the Age of Darkness and the second edition of the rules, there’s never been a better time to jump into (or return to) a world set 10,000 years before Warhammer...

Kill Team Tactics: Tyranids

Do you fantasize about devouring whole worlds? When you watch Starship Troopers, do you root for the bugs? Have you ever felt that you'd look fetching in a set of chitinous plates, wielding venomous talons as you bound across...

Ilor’s Road to GenCon Part 5: Bad Seeds

The continuing saga of preparations for the 400-point "ITS After Dark" Tournament at GenCon. It's coming down to the wire! Slimy Bags of Goo For the last couple of weeks I've talked about my forces, the missions being played in the...

Horus Heresy Units of the Astartes: HQ

Welcome back to Goonhammer’s series for aspiring Praetors. We know that the Horus Heresy system can seem intimidating to players unfamiliar with its particular quirks, but this series aims to equip you with everything you’ll need to play out...

T’au Empire (Hunter Cadre) Kill Team Tactics

One year in we've seen several kill teams from the Compendium be replaced by teams in White Dwarf and other releases, though some Compendium teams are still out there and active. Among these are the Huntre Cadre, the T'au...

Malifaux Burns Part 6: The Bayou

Gremlins don't care much for human business.  Humans are always up to some sort of foolishness.  Fiery hombre fluttering around in the sky?  Sounds like a human to me.  The Bayou is cool and wet, so you'd think that...