
Conquest Faction Focus: The Spires Updated 26/5/2024

  I'd like to take a moment up top to appreciate the Spires as a triumph of game design. They are a faction that exists in the intersection of many of the most tricky mechanical concepts to balance. They're the healing...

Kings of War: Getting the most out of Individuals

G’day Goonhammer readers! The world of Pannithor is filled with heroes of all kinds, from heroic Heroes (see Kingdoms of Men) to salivating Horrors, but what most have in common is the Individual special rule. Of all the rules...

Competitive Innovations in 9th: March Multitudes pt.2

A massive week of 40K rolls onwards, and Lowest of Men is taking the wheel for part two of our coverage. Today we'll be looking at: Battle Ready Wargaming's Major Mayhem 40k Event (major) The Great Game GT Battlefield Birmingham...

Competitive Innovations in 9th: March Multitudes pt.1

March marches on, with truly spectacular quantities of Warhammer continuing to happen around the world. My increasingly regular partner-in-crime Lowest of Men has once more stepped up to help, and will be taking the lead on Friday while I kick...

Star Wars: Armada Naval Academy – Dice 102

Armada’s delicious dice reflect the game’s core design: tight core mechanics supported by great depth beyond the rulebook. Following on from Dice 101, I want to talk about the deeper elements of the game’s dice. Forces for Change - “Page-turners...

Kings of War: More ways to use chaff

G’day Goonhammer readers! Having established what chaff is and how to use it, it would be pertinent to follow up with a few specific examples and setups. Although we went through some quite broad uses for chaff, sometimes the...

Scenarios in Conquest: How Para Bellum Shapes the Metagame

As with most wargames, Conquest is played using a scenario that sets the conditions of victory and shapes how players interact. Conquest’s core rulebook includes a series of scenarios for new players, but the meat of the game’s scenario...

Competitive Innovations in 9th: Start Wearing Purple pt.1

It's another massive week of 40K, and this time the sinister/heroic (delete as applicable) forces of the Genestealer Cults are making a big splash. While it's not quite as busy as last week, a couple of the team have offered...

Competitive Innovations in 9th: Peak Warhammer pt.2

Our panel is back for part two of one of the biggest Competitive Innovations weeks ever. I'm once more joined by Tom Lowman, Jeremy "Curie" Atkinson and Peter "The Falcon" Colosimo to cover another seven events - plus one very special, extremely self-indulgent...

Competitive Innovations in 9th: Peak Warhammer pt.1

How about those Arks of Omen, eh? People sure do seem to love them. This past weekend is, I think, the biggest for tournament play we've ever had other than LGT or LVO weekends, and terrifyingly that's not counting the 300-player...