
Start Competing: 9th Edition Death Guard Tactics (Updated May 13, 2023)

STOP - This page is out of date. You can find our updated guide to playing Death Guard in 10th edition here: Start Competing: Death Guard. Do you like being really, really hard to kill? Do you like to dish out...

Competitive Innovations in 9th: Fest of Fury Pt.2

Time for part two of Competitive Innovations, and Lowest of Men is at the helm once more. Today, we'll be looking at: Gibraltar GT (major) Winter Warfest 2023 Peterborough Slam GT! Berks Spring Assault GT If you're looking for any of the...

Kill Team Tactics: Compendium Craftworlds

Do you really like elves, but not the dark, clown, or new-age vaguely Slaanesh-like kind? Are you the kind of person who insists on using the name "Asuryani" to refer to your 40k army? Do you just really not...

Kill Team Tactics: Intercession Squad Kill Teams (Updated 4/20/2023)

Space Marine Intercession Teams arrived in August 2022, shortly before Into the Dark and the Annual threw another four teams into the mix along with a new mode of play. This was the biggest shake up the game had...

To the Stars and Beyond – Kill Team Tactics: Elucidian Starstriders (Updated 4/19/2023)

Released with Kill Team: Rogue Trader, the Elucidian Starstriders are a unique Kill Team that are challenging to play an difficult to recommend competitively, but they have some great models. Also they have a dog.

Competitive Innovations in 9th: Even Angels Fall pt.1

The Balance Dataslate has arrived, about which there is much rejoicing. It wasn't in effect for most of the events this past weekend, about which there is much theatrical booing. Let's see how this seasons villains fared on their final...

Competitive Innovations in 9th: A Short Breather

After an absolutely relentless few months of events, the Easter weekend has finally been a bit quieter, with only one major firing and no events crossing the GT threshold. That happily means that I don't have to muster up too much...

Infinity Tournament Report: IGL Satellite January 2023 (Part Two)

Last week Genghis talked about bringing White Company to the IGL Satellite event and the event's first three rounds. You can find that article here. This week we're finishing the fight. Game 4: Frostbyte Pre-Game & Deployment I drew against Bakunin for...

Eldfall Chronicles Faction Focus: Coalition of Thenion

This article is part of a sponsored series of articles exploring Freecompany's Eldfall Chronicles tabletop miniatures game.  Hey, Mali-folks!  I’m— Wait a minute… that banner doesn’t look familiar.  This isn’t Malifaux at all! It looks like we’re in Calad, the realm of...

Infinity Tournament Report: IGL Satellite January 2023 (Part One)

Back in January I wrote about my preparation for the IGL Satellite League. With the event now in the rearview, it's time to talk about how things went. My Lists For an earlier discussion of why I wanted to play White...