
Psychic Awakening: Harlequins – The Goonhammer Review

In these release-starved times us poor, beleaguered competitive players are starved for our regular diet of new rules, and the drip-feed of Psychic Awakening side-content in White Dwarf has been one of the few ways to get them, with...

Podcast Appearance – Assessing Armies on 40K Today

If you're feeling like you'd enjoy a dose of Goonhammer goodness in a different format then good news - you can check out today's (21st April 2020) episode of 40K today to hear James "One_Wing" Grover talking about how...

Start Competing: How to Assess an Opponent’s Army

There are many different aspects of strategy that contribute towards doing well at a game of 40K, many of which we've published articles about, but when you get right down to it your core goal as a player in...

Start Competing: Screening Tactics

Note: This Article was written for the 8th edition of Warhammer 40,000 and has yet to be updated. While many things may still work, the rules have changed fundamentally in 9th. As such, we recommend that you proceed with...

Start Competing: Adepta Sororitas/Sisters of Battle Tactics

This page now references an out of date edition of the game. For Start Competing: Adepta Sororitas in 10th edition and onwards, please click here. Do you want to run an infantry-heavy force of devout warriors, marching forth to war...

North East Open Tournament Analysis

Good news - big changes in the metagame means that it's exciting to write about tournament results again! Last week we previewed the North East Open, a 100-player major happening in the UK with a formidible roster of players...

Road to LVO: Editor Showdown Battle Report!

As I mentioned in my end of year roundup, in just a few weeks I'm heading out to Vegas on my first international tournament adventure. Other than writing retrospectives I mostly took the Christmas week off doing 40K stuff,...

Start Competing: This Game is Actually Not Bullshit – Playing From Behind and Hanging On When You Are Ahead

Let's start in media res: Imagine you are staring down an Iron Hands gunline. You have the bottom of the turn and have eaten some real damage without punching back as hard as you could have. Maybe your target...

Glory Hunting – Passive vs Active Glory, with Duke Crakmarrow!

Glory Hunting is a semi-regular series aimed at helping you play Warhammer Underworlds! Check out our previous coverage here. The Grymwatch are a brutal band of feral ghouls inhabiting Beastgrave in search of honor food, glory food, and redemption meat....

Blood of Champion: An Interview with Richard Siegler, Champion of the Atlanta Pro Tabletop Open

The Atlanta Pro Tabletop Open wrapped up on Sunday night and after nine rounds of knock-down, drag-out, white-knuckle dice rolling, a champion was crowned. Goonhammer sat down with tournament champion, one of the top 40k players in the ITC,...