
Warzone Octarius Book 1: Rising Tide Review Part 2 – Tyranids

As you’d expect from a book set in the Octarius sector it isn’t just the Imperium getting fancy new rules in this book. The swarming bioforms Hive Fleet Leviathan are famously one of the two largest forces in the...

Warzone Octarius Book 1: Rising Tide Review, Part 1 – The Imperium

Warzone: Octarius is here! In this review we look at the new rules for Cadian armies of the Astra Militarum and Deathwatch Armies of Renown, as well as new datasheets for fortifications.

Nick Nanavati Talks About Playing Orks with the New Codex

  Hello friends, family, and creatures of all ages! I’m Nick Nanavati from Art of War, and I’m hear to tell you all about the new Ork codex and how you can best loot up your tanks, sharpen your axes,...

Codex Grey Knights – 9th Edition: The Goonhammer Review

Too long have Daemons terrorized the tables of 9th Edition uncontested. Wreathed in silver fire, the Knights of Titan have finally burst forth from the warp, ready to channel all their might and mastery into obliterating warp spawned fiends...

There’s something in those Trees: Fangorn in Middle Earth Strategy Battle Game

Do you play Imperial Knights? Do you want your opponents to go ‘wow that’s characterful’ instead of rolling their eyes when you get your models out of the case? Do you want to make no changes to how you...

The Goonhammer Blood Bowl Combine: Kick-off Formations

Welcome, Sports Fans and burgeoning coaches, to the Goonhammer Blood Bowl Combine! For those of you who are new to Blood Bowl, or maybe those returning after a long hiatus, we’ve assembled a playbook here that will hopefully get...

Nick Nanavati Talks about the New Secondaries in the 2021 GT Missions

With the release of the 2021 Grand Tournament Missions pack for Warhammer 40,000 a lot is set to change for competitive play. We asked former ITC Champion Nick Nanavati and co-founder of the Art of War 40k to put...

The Goonhammer Blood Bowl Combine: Risk Management Basics

Welcome, Sports Fans and burgeoning coaches, to the Goonhammer Blood Bowl Combine! For those of you who are new to Blood Bowl, or maybe those returning after a long hiatus, we’ve assembled a playbook here that will hopefully get...

Keys to the Spire, Part 3: Talking Drukhari with Archon Skari

Welcome, Fellow Denizen or webway wanderer to the last part in this series exploring the Dark Eldar yes, I still call them that, since I'm an OG Archon, and I wear your face over my face (also if you...

Catching Snowflakes: Kosmoflot Tactics

Welcome to what may become a series of articles discussing the less popular or prolific factions of Infinity.  Are you, like me, a special snowflake that needs to run a unique faction in your community? Do you need to be...