
Competitive Innovations in 9th: Conspicuously Pachyderm-Free Room

Plenty more Warhammer this weekend past, and lots of Warhammer on the one coming up. The biggest London Grand Tournament yet is going to be the largest single showcase for the Nephilim metagame so far, and should give us a...

Codex Leagues of Votann – 9th Edition: The Goonhammer Review

For over a decade, furtive whispers have told the tale of a faction that once walked the battlefields of the 41st millennium, descendants from ancient Terra who had taken a very different path from most of humanity. Many denounced...

Star Wars: Armada Dockyard – Rebel Large Ships

Hi, it’s Summer here. Welcome to the Dockyard, a series where we discuss the capital ships of Star Wars: Armada. You can expect Dockyard articles to be a tour of the warships of Armada in accordance to a theme,...

Infinity: Military Order Fireteam Options

This article is an addition to a previous look at Military Orders, written last year. With the rules for composing Fireteams having changed quite significantly, the older article no longer makes sense when talking about how to incorporate Fireteams...

How to Gain Grounds and Influence People

Welcome back, Mali-folks!  It turns out I did not instantly die upon completing the Faction Focus series, and since I'm still here, I figured I might as well provide you with some more Mal-content.  So today we're going to...

Competitive Innovations in 9th: Gold Standard pt.2

Warhammer continues to intensify, and while I'm not going to pretend that there aren't more Tau and Custodes lists to point at, today's events do at least feature a few more varied matchups on the top tables - so...

Playing Tyranids with Synaptic Link and the Leviathan Supplement

We recently had John Lennon weigh in on playing Tyranids with the new Octarius rules but there’s enough in the new content to give players multiple ways to build. We sat down with longtime hivemind devotee Innes Wilson, who...

Kharadron Overlords: Triumphs

The Kharadron Overlords covet aether-gold.  A precious metal that they mine from veins in the sky but in game these allow units to use triumphs by expending their shares of aether-gold. I’ll be going over how using these triumphs...

Commander 103: Mana Value, Ramp, and the Meta

At the dawn of Commander... Long ago, in the Great Before Time, Commander exploded in popularity as a format, giving birth to more competitive spirit, and many more competitive decks were born. Many of these decks are still around in some...

Infinity Faction Focus: Haqqislam

Stepping away from "snowflakes" for a bit, this week Marc "Ilor" Renouf takes a broader look at one of the main factions in Infinity: the perfidious forces of Haqqislam! Have you ever wanted to be super-sneaky with your army composition,...