
Competitive Innovations in 9th: A Short Breather

After an absolutely relentless few months of events, the Easter weekend has finally been a bit quieter, with only one major firing and no events crossing the GT threshold. That happily means that I don't have to muster up too much...

Star Wars: Armada Dockyard – Rebel Small Ships Part II

Today in Star Wars: Armada, Summer gets attacked by a swarm of angry fish. This is Part II of the Dockyard series on small Rebel Alliance ships. The Ships – “Fear is your natural warning system; it keeps you alive...

Star Wars: Armada Dockyard – Rebel Small Ships Part I

The Rebel Alliance fields the largest selection of small ships in Armada, and has cemented itself as a definitive power in small unit gameplay. Welcome to Part I of Dockyard – Rebel Small Ships, an explainers article where I...

Star Wars: Armada Naval Academy – Sloanager and Luminara Venator List Breakdown

I’ve been here for a few months going on and on about Armada. I’ve given faction overviews. I’ve overviewed ships. I’ve given the run-down on dice, and even touched on fleet-building. What about pulling it all together into fleet-building?...

Start Competing: Death Guard Tactics Updated!

We're currently doing a big inventory and update on our Start Competing series, and I chose to knock out some of the low-hanging fruit this week by updating Death Guard. There wasn't a ton to fix here - it...

Codex Astra Militarum: 9th Edition – The Goonhammer Review

After more than two years of hiding in the far corners of the table, scraping by on Psychic Awakening Stratagems, and waiting, Astra MIlitarum players finally have their 9th edition codex. This new book finally brings the faction forward...

Star Wars: Armada Dockyard – Republic Navy Part II

This is the continuation of Dockyard – Republic Navy. I started with optimistic ideas about covering the entire faction in a single article, but the word count grew out of control and I wanted to get paid twice, so...

Star Wars: Armada Dockyard – Republic Navy Part I

Once upon a time, the Galactic Republic was brought low by forces from beyond, and within. This spawned a chain of events that would somehow culminate in The Rise of Skywalker. I'm still trying to figure out the progression,...

Star Wars: Armada Naval Academy – Basic Squadron Fleet-building

Hi again. Summer’s dragging you to the Academy of Carida for flight operations school. Bring a pencil, it's going to be a long one. The Tip of the Spear - “This is where the fun begins.” Star Wars Armada is centred...

Star Wars: Armada Dockyard – Imperial Small Ships

Welcome back to the Dockyard, where we discuss the many ships of Star Wars: Armada. Today, the small ships of the Galactic Empire. Strap in. There are some pretty intense offerings here. A Knife in the Dark – “I still...