Stormcast Eternals

Hammer of Math: Stormcast Judicators and Vanguard-Raptors

This week's Hammer of Math looks at Stormcast Judicators and Vanguard-Raptors and sees if the difference in performance justifies the difference in points. As one would expect given their role as GW's fantasy Space Marines, the Stormcast Eternals have no...

Hammer of Math: Dracothian Guard

This week's Hammer of Math returns to the Mortal Realms to look at Dracothian Guard weapon options. Age of Sigmar is really growing on me. The rules look fun. The units look fun. If it weren't for my crushing backlog...

JoeK’s Road to LVO 2022: Prepping The List

The 2022 Las Vegas Open is the largest Age of Sigmar event of the year, with more than 250 registered players competing across 8 rounds in Las Vegas, attracting the best AoS players in the world. Over the last four...

HTPE: SRM’s Stormcast “Greekcast” Eternals

When Dominion dropped earlier this year, I was hype as hell for the new range of Stormcast. In place of the big fat babymen of AoS' launch, we had these statuesque spearmen, chariots, and big honkin angel ladies. These...

JoeK’s Renegade Open Trip Report

Hello folks, I am sorry it has been a while. but I return to you with news from the backs of dragons. The Renegade open was a 40 person GT in Minneapolis Minnesota. This event held a narrative team event...

Model Review: Bastian Carthalos

The new additions to the Stormcast range are brimming with releases all vying to be the big new centerpiece model. We've got big honkin dragons, Dominion's own Yndrasta, and a new Chapter Master-level character, Bastian Carthalos. We here at...

How to Paint Everything: Karazai the Scarred

Games Workshop hit us up and offered us a review copy of the new Draconith to demonstrate painting on. I mean, how could I say no? With the kit in hand, I got my building supplies together and dove in. I...

Draconith Rider Point Adjustment: The Goonhammer Hot Take

Ahead of the release of the much-anticipated Stormcast Dragons, Games Workshop has decided to give them a points FAQ. That’s right, the models aren’t out and are already being updated. There’s been a lot of concern in the community...

Underworlds Warbands in Age of Sigmar: Harrowdeep

Warhammer Underworlds is one of the best games Games Workshop has released to date, but the accompanying warbands haven’t always fared as well in Age of Sigmar. This week we’re checking out the new free warscrolls for the Warhammer...

The Goonhammer FAQ Hot Take – Stormcast Eternals & Orruk Warclans

It’s that time again folks! It’s been a couple weeks since Battletome: Stormcast Eternals and Battletome: Orruk Warclans hit shelves and that means a follow up FAQ to fix typos, overpowered effects and so on. What do these mean...