
Hammer of Math: Death Guard (10th Edition)

We take a look at the math behind several of the key abilities of the Death Guard, including their new Contagions.

Hammer of Math: Thousand Sons Kindred Sorcery

This week's Hammer of Math looks at the effects and synergies of the Kindred Sorcery detachment rule for Thousand Sons Cults of Magic in Warhammer 40k.  I don't envy the folks who write rules at Games Workshop. There's a lot...

Hammer of Math: Going First in 10th Edition – August, 2023

Welcome back, Dear Reader, to Hammer of Math, which these past few weeks has been under my leadership as we've delved deep into the statistical data from 10th edition games. This week the journey continues, and we'll be taking...

Hammer of Math: 10th Edition Secondary Objective Statistics

Welcome back to Hammer of Math, Dear Reader. Last time around I Looked at primary scoring and promised I'd be back "relatively soon" to talk about Secondary scoring and "soon" has become "now." The data in this week's sample comes...

Hammer of Math: 10th Edition Primary Scoring Statistics

Hello Dear Reader, and welcome back to Hammer of Math. Primaris Kevin was indisposed this week so you once again get me, pulling statistics data from our stats site, 40kstats. Last time around I talked about datamining datasheets and promised a...

Hammer of Math: Warhammer 40k Leviathan Gambit Deck

This week’s Hammer of Math explores the Gambits deck in the Leviathan Mission Deck from Warhammer 40k. In addition to vastly simplifying how secondary objectives work with the Secondary Mission deck, 10th Edition also includes a completely new way to...

Hammer of Math: Datamining 10th Edition Datasheets, Part 1

Hello, Dear Reader and welcome back to Robert "TheChirurgeon" Jones subbing in for another Hammer of Math. This week we're taking a look at the juicy data in all of those free datasheets Games Workshop released over the past...

Hammer of Math: Critical Mechanics in 10th Edition

This week's Hammer of Math takes a look at some of the information that Warhammer Community has revealed about the upcoming changes in the 10th Edition of Warhammer 40,000. Over a decade ago, I was at Adepticon when Mack Martin...

Hammer of Math: Arks of Omen Secondary Objectives Stats, Part 1

We announced last week that we'd recently added data from Arks of Omen to 40kstats and with the wealth of new data - nearly 29 thousand games' worth at the time of this writing - it felt like a good time...

Hammer of Math: I’m not mad at Vashtorr, just disappointed.

This week's Hammer of Math wonders what exactly happened with poor Vashtorr. Believe it or not, my full time job is not to write a weekly article for a gaming website. My area of expertise is engineering, which means that...